Notices by ganbold (, page 2
@niko wah pada lembur setup2 tempat
@shimakazehaku kirain sampe berburu monster juga, layaknya di monster hunter
menemukan tulisan bahasa indonesia di suatu sisi fediverse yang lain
@shimakazehaku caper mungkin ya
@shimakazehaku ter-php
ada yang tau ga ya desktop app buat image editing? dulu pakenya GIMP tapi ngerasa GIMP lebih kepake buat illustrating dibanding edit2
nyari yang kayak figma, bikin kotak sana sini, diubah bentuk dan stylenya, numpukin gambar dll. any idea genks?
time to unleash the GIMP
friend ended with the modernity of cloud Figma and Canva, back to old-school desktop-based offline GIMP
@coolboymew yeah, I think I should start nappin cuz its kinda past my sleep schedule. thanks for the heads up
have a great day there
@coolboymew going to note the 7-8 hours of sleep down. I do realize that currently I am not sleeping in a consistent hours, and it leads to having an incosistent sleeping hours too
sometimes it just feel like, "let me do something before sleep" and ended up not finishing anything til midnight.
@coolboymew can relate so bad, but glad for you that you are not feeling very tired at all. I was so sleepy but I couldn't sleep at all, ended up got a headache for the rest of the day.
@coolboymew yeah prolly something for people who are unable to ride a motorbike or a car
@coolboymew shoprider scooter
oishiibot bisa pake romaji dari instance pleroma ga ya, laper euy
@shimakazehaku letsgooo
it's time to fully explore golang, end-to-end. gonna immerse myself, so good bye nodejs (unless I am being paid for nodejs again)
@shimakazehaku masih model laptop yang batrenya bisa dicopot dengan mudah kah? dulu pribadi punya dan batrenya sudah rusak juga, jadi sering posisi pake laptop sambil charging dan copot batre
halo dunia!
thank you bro @bros yang udah kenalin instance ini :0150:
bakal memantau2 dulu, jaga2 kalau instance sebelah tiba2 shutdown :maya_hehe:
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