@lain The Corwin Saga I loved for its descriptions of Shadow and Pattern walking, it felt like he had first hand knowledge of such "emergent phenomena". The way scenery is described, it felt as if Zelazny was drawing with words one of those traditional minimalist Chinese or Japanese paintings. I didn't think the story itself or the characters were very interesting. The characters all spoke in the same way and felt a bit one dimensional, but they live in an interesting strange world.
The Merlin Saga I just can't stop reading. It's an whodunit pageturner. The main characters talk in a conventional way and each has their own personality. Also, Merlin seems like a mellow kind of guy. Him and Jasra?! That's the most mellowest way anyone was ever depicted in fiction. Oh, and Mandor seems like the stereotypical charming white haired bishounen, like Raistlin or Griffith. I just hope he won't go there… Don't tell me anything, I don't want to know.
Sorry for the scroll. Have a nice day.