@Linux4Everyone ah ok.
Notices by Aaron Rainbolt (arraybolt3@theres.life)
Aaron Rainbolt (arraybolt3@theres.life)'s status on Thursday, 18-Jul-2024 05:45:27 JST Aaron Rainbolt
Aaron Rainbolt (arraybolt3@theres.life)'s status on Thursday, 18-Jul-2024 05:41:22 JST Aaron Rainbolt
@Linux4Everyone Why 18.04 EOLNLLTS (end-of-life no longer long term support)? :P I mean you can use Ubuntu Pro with it I guess but still...
Aaron Rainbolt (arraybolt3@theres.life)'s status on Wednesday, 26-Jun-2024 02:00:24 JST Aaron Rainbolt
@Linux4Everyone This is why I have 2FA enabled on mine with a hardware key. Theoretically that should let me "prove" to Google who I am at any time no matter where I'm at. Haven't tested the theory though.
Aaron Rainbolt (arraybolt3@theres.life)'s status on Monday, 11-Mar-2024 18:37:01 JST Aaron Rainbolt
@mdhughes @aral The FOSS devs oftentimes use GPL and are perfectly happy to introduce GPLv2+ code, and the indie devs can use GPL code too and even sell their software as long as they also give source and GPL rights as required. Ardour does this and it works pretty well for them.
I will say, though, whatever GPL version you choose, please, I beg of you, add the "or any later version" clause or you give license auditors and devs a headache. I have had some interesting messes to untangle because of the lack of "or any later version" clauses when trying to piece together a program.
Aaron Rainbolt (arraybolt3@theres.life)'s status on Friday, 22-Dec-2023 21:52:22 JST Aaron Rainbolt
@itsfoss If the name ends in "Server", probably don't use it as a desktop. Ubuntu Server, Fedora Server, etc. Server distros are NOT just minimal distros, they're server-oriented. If you want a minimal base to build from, look for a netinstaller or bootstrapping utility.
Aaron Rainbolt (arraybolt3@theres.life)'s status on Friday, 15-Dec-2023 18:01:27 JST Aaron Rainbolt
@itsfoss A mixture of Kate, Vim, and Qt Creator. Vim is my favorite of the three, but it can be a bit cumbersome trying to copy between separate instances in certain cases. Kate works well in those edge cases (and for times when a GUI is handy). Qt Creator is amazing though IMO, good enough that I can stand living without Vim if I'm writing Qt code.