We're starting a sprint to look at all the issues preventing #ReproducibleBuilds in all the apps we ship. Most of the issues are simple fixes in the upstream code, like unsorted outputs or timestamps included in the build. You can help make the #FreeSoftware#Android ecosystem be more reproducible! See the failures here and help us report them upstream: https://verification.f-droid.org/failed.html
This week on #FDroid (TWIF) is a lot to read, and also we missed the toot about last week.
In short: - F-Droid client 1.21 was released, but you should wait for 1.21.1 before you update - there were some bugs in DAVx⁵, Nextcloud and Tailscale, so be careful in updating these too - we're working together with @Codeberg to get our builds from apps hosted there working again - any much more
Yesterday's #AndroidAppRain brought you 121 updated and 4 added apps at F-Droid:
* Next Player: a simple material you video player * OpenBike: a lightweight NextBike client * Revengate: a steampunk roguelike dungeon crawling game * Warmongr: list bribetakers and warmongers
Unlike Google, F-Droid does not force developers to publicize their name or address information.
We understand that people have many reasons to develop under another name than their legal one and to keep their personal information private. And that what matters is the trust between user and developer, not private details of their lives.
#WireGuard becomes the first VPN app on #FDroid to be built reproducibly! This means that WireGuard on F-Droid is now guaranteed to be 100% (bit-by-bit) equal to the WireGuard the developer builds.
If you're using WireGuard from F-Droid, please export your tunnels and re-install to switch to the developer's signature and continue receiving updates.
The F-droid app is undergoing major changes: Faster and smaller updates thanks to a new repository format.
For this, we needed to change the entire app database. To ensure that there are no regression we need your help: Please install the latest alpha version of F-Droid 1.16 and report anything unusual.