>Big Business Lobby Opposes Ban on Non-Compete Agreements. So Much for the Free Market! The free market includes voluntarily chosen agreements, so that's not actually hypocrisy. Whether it's a good idea or not is another issue though.
>IV. There is yet another—and critically important—reason why a society cannot “steer” itself in the manner suggested at the beginning of Part III of this chapter: Every complex, large-scale society is subject to internal developments generated by “natural selection” operating on systems that exist within the society. This factor is discussed at length in Chapter Two; here we will only sketch the argument in the briefest possible terms.
>Through a process analogous to biological evolution there arise, within any complex, large-scale society, self-preserving or self-reproducing systems large and small (including, for example, business enterprises, political parties or movements, open or covert social networks such as networks of corrupt officials) that struggle to survive and propagate themselves. Because power is a cardinal tool for survival, these systems compete for power.
>Biological organisms, evolving through natural selection, eventually invade every niche in which biological survival is possible at all, and, whatever measures may be taken to suppress them, some organisms will find ways of surviving nonetheless. Within any complex, large-scale society, a similar process will produce self-propagating systems that will invade every corner and circumvent all attempts to suppress them. These systems will compete for power without regard to the objectives of any government (or other entity) that may try to steer the society. Our argument—admittedly impossible at present to prove conclusively—is that these self-propagating systems will constitute uncontrollable forces that will render futile in the long run all efforts to steer the society rationally. For details, see Chapter Two.
I'm so happy. My mother finally understands the dangers of technology that I have been going on about for ages. In particular, smartphone spying and CBDCs.
@xianc78 Interesting. Looks like a ham-fisted and freedom-denying implementation of this concept: It seems the basic idea is just to make people *able* to walk to where they need to go, not to prevent them from going farther.
The fuck's going on? I'm watching a movie with my dad and one of the main characters used an ethnic slur, another criticised feminism, and another character used the word "normie". This is weird.