My #ActivityPub server #Vocata is rapidly improving and approaching the milestone of 250 commits, very much thanks to @steve who has started to systematically test it and fix bugs.
#Konqi, the #KDE mascot, is a very special mascot. He is not just any dragon, he has an elaborate personality. And there is a whole fiction universe around him!
Today was the first time a small project of mine received a drive-by contribution on @Codeberg 🎉.
It's as viable as GitHub if you are looking for a lively community of developers. As a matter of fact, my private side projects never gained any interest whatsoever when I was using GitHub.
(Although as a fun fact, a long-standing network bug is actually something else that drives me away from Go... has put an important project on hold here, and now I will just rewrite in Rust instead 🤷)