@libreoffice 🧑🏻💻 I've been trying to start my first #LibreOffice Macro and, being more fluent in #Java, I've been looking for guidance in this regard. As I could not find much support on other than Basic macros (nor BeanShell), tried to create a Maven project on Eclipse, depending on `libreoffice`, to have autocomplete, JavaDoc and/or see sources, but it cannot find the classes that seem necessary. I would like to know exactly what to include into the `pom`, or a `jar` . Any #help appreciated 😸
@organicmaps is a carefully well designed app, using monthly updated data from @openstreetmap . If you do not need advanced features or lots of customized options, just a smooth map with pretty fast user experience and simple, straight to the point offline navigation, it is a very strong option that respects your privacy and your freedom.
😻 :debian: :gnu: :linux: 🌻#FreeSoftware (as #freedom) supporter for 20+ years, working for more than a decade as IT analyst at a Brazilian university, e.g. as programmer and #GNU/Linux sysadmin.Photos: Meme the #Cat; Landsat pics🔤: 🇵🇹 🏴Partidário do #SoftwareLivre há 20+ anos e trabalhando por ~15 como analista de TI no ensino superior público, com desenvolvimento, gestão de servidores GNU/Linux etc.Fotos: Meme o #Gato; Landsat🆘 🧑💻 Ayom GT-TI (IT group)#nobridge