@foone the Perl codebase I work on, which is probably a couple hundred thousand lines of code, still has quite a few Perl 4-isms in it. Works fine on current Perl versions.
The abusive behavior that was being used to manipulate Lasse Collin into bringing on more maintainers for #xz went unnoticed because abusive behavior in Open Source communities is so pervasive. In context, we can clearly see it was part of an orchestrated operation. Out of context, it looks like just another asshole complaining about stuff they have no right to complain about. https://robmensching.com/blog/posts/2024/03/30/a-microcosm-of-the-interactions-in-open-source-projects/
Born tired. Likes bikes and hikes. Sometimes I work on Open Source software. Other times I work on robots. I remember when computers were good. He/him.Did you alt text your image? It'd be a lot cooler if you did.