@Moon@shitposter.club From what I understand they learn by viewing what people post and since they learn a lot from artists who make a living out of it I do think it's kinda fucked up. You could argue that they shouldn't post their pictures online but they do need to advertise their work. I think it's legally questionable but morally wrong. Even if they don't save the data. That's just my opinion though.
It cracks me the fuck up how sometimes some dude is typing a very serious message, like maybe talking about war, bombing, terrorists, death, torture, not to mention the other very serious issues they might have in their lives but the lad/lass has the cat mode on and they just kinda... "The bombing left everynyan without a home".
Hi, I'm a raccoon, you may know me from that one time I stole trash from your porch.I live in many places, maybe you've seen that video of me hiding under a manhole.If you wanna talk to me you can find me on the chat accounts listed belowOr we can talk on my mumble server if you poke me and ask me to hop on it: raccoon.questOn the fedi I prefer having fun and avoid political debated, if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic know that those are not topic I'm interested about, I'm quite the opposite of those, I TRY to avoid conversation and arguments about those topics so please help me do that.I like being proven wrong, if done respectfully, because it's a great learning experience.Y'all like shitty websites? I have a shitty website: https://raccoon.quest/You can find a search engine, a radio and a mumble server free for everyone to use.