instead of doomscrolling, i try to spend my time doing healthier things like doomcleaning the house, going for doomwalks, doomgardening, doomcatching up with friends and family, etc
this dystopic scene of identical robocars clogging an entire block to carry maaaybe 1/4 of a busload of people, was posted by a waymo employee who thought it made his company look good.
Today some of you are strongly praising Joe Biden. I wish I could agree because he did some great things domestically. Unfortunately, history will remember him for knowingly providing the bombs to commit a genocide in Gaza.
trying a thing: i'll match up to $300 to UNRWA USA, which provides aid to Gaza and was just defunded by Joe Biden. It's tax deductible. Reply or DM me with your donation receipt to be matched. will close when this hits 300 or at 11:59pm monday pacific time whichever comes first
@aral did you personally see the tweet screenshotted on the left side of this image? or how do you know it's authentic? just asking since twitter/x screenshots are easily faked.
@susankayequinn@aral I think this is especially true about homelessness. Like why are there people who are so poor amidst plenty? Why is a real estate investor’s return on investment treated as a right, and having housing to live in isn’t? You really get down to some systemic issues right away.
@noellabo are you aware of the "Unlisted" post privacy setting - "visible for all, but opted-out of discovery features"? Would posting as "Unlisted" when you don't want the post to be searchable resolve your concern?
So the food bank budget’s getting slashed. Meanwhile my techie neighbors will be like, “oh no, our food and grocery delivery keeps getting snatched off the porch for some reason. 🤔 The only possible solution is more cops and surveillance cameras.” @MLNow
as Meta lays off another 10,000 employees, it's a good time for tech workers to ask ourselves who do we really have more in common with: the struggling people who can end up homeless? or the billionaires, VCs, and "moderate" politicians whose solution to homelessness is an expanding militarized police force and prisons?
which side of that equation will you end up on, as AI gains the ability to write code, and climate-change induced disasters destroy housing? think about it carefully
Fare-free transit just makes sense. We want people on the bus or train instead of driving. So it should be the easy choice. No scrounging for cash or filling up a card, just hop on.
It's more sustainable, it reduces traffic deaths and air pollution, and it makes cities more livable to have fewer cars.
And: there's nothing radical about it. We've got free parking frickin' everywhere even though cities' costs to provide clean well-paved asphalt are far from free.
city loving #socialist, #vegan, into #hiking, #bikes #BikeTooter, #transit, #carfree living. read a lot and drink lots of tea and coffee. learning guitar. post a lot about local stuff #sfpol #bikesf. searchable on tootfinder