"Automated translation of web content is now available to Firefox users! Unlike cloud-based alternatives, translation is done locally in Firefox, so that the text being translated does not leave your machine."
I got to see the early demos of this and it is jaws-on-the-floor bonkers wizard magic. Entirely local - and good - translation with no cloud service and like 6MB of storage per language.
Found an old 2012 blog post about what I wanted in a laptop. I didn't get the PixelQi screen I wanted, but typing this into an MNT Reform feels pretty good.
A friend just reminded me that not every knows: in your browser, the combination of "get UBlock Origin" and "disable custom fonts" feels an awful lot like "I just bought a new computer", in terms of how fast everything suddenly feels.
Note: There is not a single problem in this world, not one, whose solution does not start with the decision to mildly inconvenience the extremely rich.
Well, that didn't take long. We're starting to see almost-believable autogenerated text being used so spam our issue tracker.
There's a legitimate chance that ChatGPT and their ilk are going to kill participatory open source. How can you keep any forums open to the public, when anyone can just pour an arbitrary amount of generated garbage into them?
How do you tell a smart but green contributor who's still learning the language from a thousand bots spewing averacitous trash?
Look, if a core Bitcoin developer can get their whole wallet emptied out unrecoverably on them, and that developer's immediate reflex is to start calling a centralized authority for help, it's time to stop pretending this entire cryptocurrency exercise is ever going to work. We're done here.
I think it’s important to repeat: you don't "have something to hide" when you put blinds on your windows or close the door when you're on the can or wear clothes.
Privacy isn't about having something to hide. It's not about keeping secrets. It's about you being the person who chooses what you reveal about yourself, and when, and to who, and the other word we have for that is "dignity". Your inherent dignity, as a human being.
Your privacy is the agency you have over your dignity.
Everyone who's ever said "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" is somebody trying to bully you into giving them the power to strip you of your dignity at a moment's notice.
On a whim, whenever it's convenient for them.
That's the fight. It's not about privacy, it's not about secrets, and it never was. It's about about power.