Czy dobrze rozumiem, że całe to wprowadzanie Yubikeyów przez PKO i ING jest, łagodnie mówiąc, mocno średnie?
Ciężko mi znaleźć jakieś sensowne informacje na ten temat – zarówno PKO jak i firma Yubikey (hmm) informuje głównie presskitami.
Znalazłem jednak czyjś post na LinkedInie, z którego wynika co następuje:
Wspierane są faktycznie konkretnie Yubikeye, a nie dowolne klucze wspierające FIDO2 – ING ściemnia że “urządzenie nie wspiera FIDO2” jeśli nie jest to Yubikey, a PKO bezwstydnie mówi że z każdym innym kluczem można sobie isć na drzewodo rzecznika. Trochę lipa.
Tu informacja z drugiej ręki, ale klucze najwyraźniej służą do logowania się, ale już nie do np. potwierdzania przelewów, gdzie jak rozumiem funkcjonują stare dobre SMSy, zdrapki, czy też te nieszczęsne aplikacje mobilne
Post z LI mówi też że Yubikeya można używać do logowania zamiast loginu i hasła – czyli zamienić jedno 1FA na drugie 1FA. Świetnie, brawo.
Cynik we mnie widzi w tym jakięś połączenie PRowego wybryku ze “sponsoringiem” od Yubico w podzięce za ordynarny vendor lock-in.
Źle na to patrzę? Rodziciele pytają się czy warto mieć ten “pendrive od bezpieczeństwa”, i wszystko co widzę sugeruje mi że kupowanie im Yubikeya pod choinkę to jedynie dosyć drogi security theater i wspieranie gównianych praktyk.
My bike has shed some weight. Went from a 3x7 to a 1x7. I figured that since I only use like 6 gears anyway, I may as well get rid of the atrocious front derailleur. Made a spreadsheet, did some math, 40T chainring seemed like a sweet spot.
Shifts like a dream, looks sleek and was fun as heck to do.
Thanks @jaywink and @nellie_m for inspiration and encouragement, respectively :)
I’m trying to view my pictures and videos from vacation on Linux. This is apparently too much to ask.
I want a viewer that give me a slideshow-like experience with pictures and videos. This is very non-obvious apparently.
Shotwell can do that apparently. I install it, run it, nothing happens. Before I start investigating, “Loading Shotwell pops up”. 0%, for minutes. Then 1%, then 2%. Surely it’s not…
Yes it is. By default it indexes everything it can find, and it was crawling through my /mnt/nfs/ according to its sqlite3 database. Over wifi. Whose idea was this!?
Let’s try digiKam instead. It’s KDE, so it should be better.
On startup, it starts a too long configurator asking tons of questions. At least one of them is “import location”, so we have that. I finish the configurator… it crashes. I start it from the console. It crashes on trying to… load my keymap. What? Why are you trying to load the keymap at all!? Fuck digiKam.
Let’s try shotwell again, this time I unmount NAS and all external drives. It starts up. It has a confusing preferences screen that does not include where to import from (it’s still “from everywhere” apparently!?), you can specify where to import to (what!?). The winning formula is a new empty directory called “test” as an “import photos to” (don’t worry, it will stay empty), and then manually import a directory you want to go through. Success, it loaded something! Both photos and videos!
But when you enter the slideshow view, it only shows the photos. It skips the videos.
They say, linking to the fucking Wired repost of Doctorow's article, which loads 36 megs of trash over 180 requests, breaks GDPR, covers text with shit...
and yet if you actually bothered to read it, you'll see it linking to, which loads instantly, doesn't break the law, and doesn't stuff big tech's pockets with fruits of someone else's work.
You don't deserve non-shitty internet, you fucking idiots.
One of these comes back to me, we talk, they clear me for further talks, and they tell me what company it is. Alright.
A few days later another recruiter reaches out, offering me a job with the exact same company. And they offer more money.
What do I do? Play dumb and apply to both, see which one wins (aka gets me a better deal)? (It would be pretty apparent that I'm either playing dumb or are very dumb, so probably not this one).
Stay "loyal" to the first recruiter and politely decline? I made no promises, I don't need to be loyal to no one, though it just seems like a reasonable thing to do, but...
Do I tell the first recruiter "hey, someone has just offered me the exact same thing for more money, can you match that (or should I go ahead with them)?"