BTW that's also why the US could just scrap its military tomorrow and would be under no significant threat. There's no army in the world who wants to fight crazy guys in the mountains.
They're trying to make the case that 2A doesn't matter because guys who want to own guns (represented as crazy guy) could just get droned any time.
It's really bad logic, I mean esp. given the most powerful military in the world lost to somewhere around 20,000 "crazy guys" in Afghanistan. Crazy guys with guns, in the mountains, are fucking impossible to deal with.
I don't really know anything about Terrain Theory, just stumbled on it. Given the amount of bullshit that has been promulgated throughout the 20th century, I'm ready to entertain the idea that most of modern medicine is a charade.
Tell me the short version of it, in particular - take as an example chickenpox, if it's not a virus, what is it and why does it spread from one person to another ?
Ok so chickenpox is not spreading. But I got it when I was a kid, at the same time a lot of other kids in my school got it. So assuming viral spread is fake, what's to be made of that? Should I assume that they're attacking school children with biological weapons?
Ok so if I understand you right, bacteria have been shown to adhere to Kochs Postulates and therefore the only point of contention is regarding viruses (?)
The reason I bring up chickenpox is because I have first-hand personal knowledge that this is something which seems to spread from one person to another.
I do not have first-hand personal knowledge that the mechanism of spread is a "virus" (or anything else for that matter).
So my question is do you: 1. Hold an alternative theory of how disease is spread (not by virus) 2. Accept that disease is spread, but do not know how 3. Contend that diseases do not spread between people at all ?
Whether it's 1 transaction, or 2000 transactions, you can still insert arbitrary data. With 2000, the data is more spread out and needs reassembly. There might be a way to make it impossible to store any arbitrary data, i.e. every pubkey must also carry a signature to prove that it's a key.
Next move is probably: Malicious governments to insert child porn and then use that as a flimsy excuse to forbid bitcoin. A lot of nerds with weak grasp on law will be like "you got me". Of course real objective is to prevent people from having money.