W sobotę 30 września 2023 o 17:00 w "Perehod – Magia Przejścia" w Pieszowoli odbędzie się wernisaż wystawy malarstwa Marka Leszczyńskiego – "Oswajanie Kiczu". Zapowiada się ciekawie, i choć rykowisko się powoli kończy, to może uda się usłyszeć donośny dźwięk kiczu znad bagien.
I accidentally jabbed my finger with a needle I'd just used to inject one of our dogs his medicine. Should I call my doctor or his doctor? Perhaps it doesn't really matter, we're both old and ill and have been through a lot, we'll probably survive.
Living in the #wetlands of #Polesia (#Polesie in Polish) in #EasternPoland. Surrounded by #bogs and #forests, trying not to fuck up surrounding nature too much.Taking care of a small pack of #dogs (most of them rescue dogs) – #IdąPsięta.#RuralBroadband provider by accident. Starting a small #LoRaWAN project to monitor our wetlands. Coding, mostly in #Python. Luddite.#Atheist. I don't believe in #science – science is our defence against belief.Fuck nazis.I haven't deleted my account on Twitter, for good reasons, but I'm not using it anymore. https://twitter.com/szescstopniI check facts before I toot.I sometimes toot in Polish.Zdolny, ale leniwy.