Notices by Aether (, page 7
Blackrock will be laying off 600 employees, mostly from the ESG division.
Given ESG global investments collapsed by $5 trillion in just 2 years I am amazed any of them still have jobs.
ESG is the system used by Blackrock and Vanguard to blackmail companies into adopting jew practices.
You will never be a real Alpha. Your "woman" has no womb, no ovaries, no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and pornography into a crude mockery of an Alpha's natural perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish fetish behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even if you date trannies who “pass” they look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Their bone structure is a dead giveaway. The fact that you didn't turn tail and bolt the second you got a whiff of your "girlfriends" diseased, infected axe wound is shameful.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the disgust creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a gun, write a note, and put an end to your degenerate relationship. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your name and deny your very existence.
This is your fate. This is what you choose. Turn back now.
Monitoring your water and power use. One day “they” will dictate when and how often you can use your washer, and likely other “smart” appliances.
After telling its customers to "eat shit and die" and then correcting itself and explaining that what it really meant was that as long as its customers ate the shit the dying was entirely up to them, Unity has unexpectedly fired 25% of its staff.
Can you believe that the CEO of Unity is the former head of Electronic Arts.
Now I am curious
How bad are search results? Bad.
In running six tests on each of five search engines plus ChatGPT - thirty-six tests in all - eight results earned scores in the range of OK to Great.
The other twenty-eight results ranked anywhere from Bad to Terrible.
Google, which built its entire business on providing a better search engine than anyone else, rated Bad or worse on every test.
Bing was even worse on average, but was acceptable on one test, and better than acceptable on another.
Progressive Christianity is more cringe than atheism tbh
I am scared
@r000t @coolboymew I have seen that filter before
Which of you did this?
You are a Chad!
Saint Jerome was onto something
@matrix Yes
@weaf @sickburnbro Gun gear guy can talk about cold dead hands all he wants but the moment the gun "buyback" starts he will be first in line at the handover center
@ned Good drink
@rees @Arkana You're just cope poasting. The claim in rise in Irish IQ is a myth you environmentalist retards cling to.
Btw the Flynn effect reversed in the 80s and continues to decline, in part due to migration from the third world and low birth rates with the smarter section of the population. USA has lost on average 2-3 points per decade since then.
@rees @Arkana Fascinating, now how many years of eugenics will we need to raise the average IQ of niggers to Whites.
Hint: it took 1,200 years of executing 1% of the population per year to result in the IQ of Western and Northern Europeans going from approximately 70 to 100
@rees @Arkana Given we have no general AI at present and Chat GP has proven to be comically inaccurate, feel free to look up my poasts on it, I can only give you a gruelling in your face NO!
@rher @GoodBoyUV @sickburnbro From above...
Ukraine has no good options. Zelensky may have gone mad under the pressure of the last two years. Regardless, it is unlikely the Russians will agree to deal with him in a peace settlement. If he reaches out to Moscow, his (((own people))) will kill him, probably at the request of the CIA. On the other hand, if they fight to the last Ukrainian, the army will eventually revolt and kill the political leadership, think of it as a reverse Red October where the jews are removed from power. The only hope is some new event forces the Russians to end the war on their own.
As for Russia, the war is just one part of a larger geopolitical strategy that looks far past the Ukraine situation. The cost of the war in terms of men and material is manageable. Russia now has the largest, best equipped and experienced army in Europe so they can continue the SMO as long as needed. They see the impact it is having on the European satrap political class and their relationship with GAE. It is also slowly draining the EU economically. For now, the best option for Russia is to keep doing what they are doing and prepare for the inevitable breaks in the opposition.
With a presidential election coming up in 2024, GAE is trying to flick the Ukraine problem off, hoping it sticks to the European satraps. The Europeans are noticing this and are starting to look for a way to avoid being stuck with Ukraine. Russia is not about to help and allow the fate of Ukraine to become their problem, at least not yet. The result is Ukraine will become an economic, demographic, and social catastrophe.
@GoodBoyUV @rher @sickburnbro Whatever brainlet.
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