Notices by Aether (, page 7
Aether ('s status on Saturday, 10-Feb-2024 06:52:14 JST Aether
Sounds like a complex way to get to a brothel based society -
Aether ('s status on Friday, 02-Feb-2024 06:44:23 JST Aether
The 42% casualties before combat must be atrocious. -
Aether ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 05:13:07 JST Aether
Your son has every right to never speak to you again -
Aether ('s status on Monday, 29-Jan-2024 06:38:08 JST Aether
@eee >shout "save us, millenial and zoomer scum!"
And I will whisper, "No". -
Aether ('s status on Monday, 29-Jan-2024 06:37:54 JST Aether
The Day of the Philippino nurse can not come quickly enough -
Aether ('s status on Sunday, 28-Jan-2024 20:02:11 JST Aether
@BanjoPartisan Would love to know how they intend to fight China with 1.5Million of them already here -
Aether ('s status on Saturday, 27-Jan-2024 22:02:02 JST Aether
Microsoft accidentally granted global admin privileges to a random legacy test account.
Which then got hacked by Russia.
Granting the hackers read access to every Office 365 account in the world.
From the comments at Ars Technica:
>To summarize the fuckups:
>1. Created test tenant with access to prod data
>2. Created test account with weak password
>3. Made test account accessible from internet
>4. Never enabled 2FA on test account
>5. Gave test account admin role
>6. Did not monitor for slow password sprays (a known technique)
>7. Failed to disable test account at end of testing
>8. Failed to monitor for unused/test accounts in production environment
>9. Did not monitor executives' accounts for surreptitious access
>10. Did not monitor internal test account (that apparently hadn't been accessed in years) for "unusual login activity"
>Did I miss anything? By my count, that's ten fuckups. It's kind of impressive!
Genuinely useful comments at Ars Technica? What is the world coming to? -
Aether ('s status on Friday, 26-Jan-2024 22:21:42 JST Aether
Is this Texas thing real or just Kayfab? -
Aether ('s status on Friday, 26-Jan-2024 22:16:11 JST Aether
One Nation under Sodom -
Aether ('s status on Thursday, 25-Jan-2024 23:10:48 JST Aether
Romulus and Remus, suckling the She-wolf. (Roma 750 bc) -
Aether ('s status on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2024 21:33:59 JST Aether
I'm not saying Microsoft's latest version of Outlook is spyware, but...
I mean, it says up front that it's going to share your data with Microsoft and 772 other companies. Would any self-respecting spy tell you that?
That is not an exaggeration either. They tell you they are going to share your data with themselves and 772 partners. -
Aether ('s status on Monday, 15-Jan-2024 20:51:22 JST Aether
Blackrock will be laying off 600 employees, mostly from the ESG division.
Given ESG global investments collapsed by $5 trillion in just 2 years I am amazed any of them still have jobs.
ESG is the system used by Blackrock and Vanguard to blackmail companies into adopting jew practices. -
Aether ('s status on Saturday, 13-Jan-2024 07:53:50 JST Aether
You will never be a real Alpha. Your "woman" has no womb, no ovaries, no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and pornography into a crude mockery of an Alpha's natural perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish fetish behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even if you date trannies who “pass” they look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Their bone structure is a dead giveaway. The fact that you didn't turn tail and bolt the second you got a whiff of your "girlfriends" diseased, infected axe wound is shameful.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the disgust creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a gun, write a note, and put an end to your degenerate relationship. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your name and deny your very existence.
This is your fate. This is what you choose. Turn back now. -
Aether ('s status on Wednesday, 10-Jan-2024 22:32:17 JST Aether
Aether ('s status on Wednesday, 10-Jan-2024 22:32:03 JST Aether
Monitoring your water and power use. One day “they” will dictate when and how often you can use your washer, and likely other “smart” appliances. -
Aether ('s status on Tuesday, 09-Jan-2024 19:49:02 JST Aether
After telling its customers to "eat shit and die" and then correcting itself and explaining that what it really meant was that as long as its customers ate the shit the dying was entirely up to them, Unity has unexpectedly fired 25% of its staff.
Can you believe that the CEO of Unity is the former head of Electronic Arts. -
Aether ('s status on Saturday, 06-Jan-2024 06:02:07 JST Aether
Now I am curious -
Aether ('s status on Tuesday, 02-Jan-2024 04:42:54 JST Aether
How bad are search results? Bad.
In running six tests on each of five search engines plus ChatGPT - thirty-six tests in all - eight results earned scores in the range of OK to Great.
The other twenty-eight results ranked anywhere from Bad to Terrible.
Google, which built its entire business on providing a better search engine than anyone else, rated Bad or worse on every test.
Bing was even worse on average, but was acceptable on one test, and better than acceptable on another. -
Aether ('s status on Monday, 01-Jan-2024 18:51:07 JST Aether
Progressive Christianity is more cringe than atheism tbh
@Crux_Invictus -
Aether ('s status on Monday, 01-Jan-2024 16:38:24 JST Aether
I am scared