@foone JLC quoted me a surprisingly reasonable $30 for 5 off 500x15 flex? I don't know about your space constraints but maybe you could origami your micro off one end or side in that case? 500x40 (for a side-hinged one) lands closer to $40
@foone could you use a zebra strip and mush an 0.5mm pitch FFC down on it? though that's probably harder than directly soldering an FFC to the QFP pads
@foone why does nobody seem to have a wee parametric solver CAD that lets you say "this edge of this pad is so-and-so mm from that edge of that hole" so that you can directly input datasheet drawings rather than having to faff around with a calculator and make mistakes?
@foone I swear footprints take up 90% of my energy during any design and I hate it although to be fair parts selection/ordering is the other 70% that I hate
@foone oh my lord this is such a glorious idea - since apparently we will never solve criminally bad UI/UX :'(
the thing is I'd still use it even if it took me way longer to configure and debug than the time it would have taken to do by hand! apparently that is more acceptable to my adhd's frustration limits
@foone this was my take on a keyboard prototyping rig - I made wee boards with a diode, a hotswap socket, and two IDC terminals on each. Print the shell, snap the keys in the front, stick the boards on the back, then punch down row and column wires to the boards. Cheaper/faster to iterate than PCBs, and open to 3d designs, but I didn't have the official punchdown tool and it'd throw a wire every now and then...