@ScienceDesk While this is encouraging, and should be celebrated, often folk with this cancer find out after it's too late for surgery. Hopefully this work will apply to more cases and maybe one day work as a true vaccine in that it doesn't just prevent reoccurrence to those who already have the cancer, but those who don't yet.
@arstechnica "Gouda as only the third-most-popular cheese in the world, after cheddar and mozzarella."
Now this surprises me, not that AI sucks. I can't stand gouda and it blows my mind that it's the third most popular. No emmental, gruyère, parmesan, brie, feta, camembert, ricotta?
<net search>
Wildly depends on who is doing the poll. No, gouda is not as popular as some of the other ones I mentioned, though it does make some of the top 10 lists.
@futurebird <Looks it up> He's in Dubai also talking about how other places are nicer than US because no one is being raped. If a woman in Dubai reports a rape, she is arrested for sex outside of marriage, as a British woman learned. In Singapore, it's illegal to sell gum. In Tokyo, folk don't throw hissy fits about wearing face masks. New York City has a daily ridership of approximately 3.2 million, so that's a lot of "not riding out of fear" riders.
@futurebird And, lol, this is going to be the same face he makes when, if it exists, he looks around hell, wondering why heaven doesn't look as nice as NYC. ;)
@thepoliticalcat@LALegault@GW That did not justify what is happening in the Gaza Strip. This is not a measured response to an atrocity, it is compounding it. The Israeli government is terrorizing and slaughtering masses of innocent people, and I want no part of that, I do not want my tax money supporting that.
@LALegault@GW I don't want my government giving any support to another government that will use the support for the wanton slaughter of innocent people. Israel wants to do genocide and murder of children, the blood can be on their own hands. As for valuing human life? What a joke.
@JohnLoader6@thepoliticalcat@LALegault@GW And reheating dehumanization of Palestinians. I am appalled by how the Israel government speaks of them and world governments supporting their massacre. :(
Make sure kids are aware. There are lots of things kids don't want to talk about but want to know about. Kids have a right to learn.
I once saw an interview with a woman who is gay. But she didn't know what that was, she just knew she was different, something was "wrong" with her, shh. It was only when she travelled as an adult she learned she was ok.
I'm still here, I have photos to prove it. (All photos I post are mine unless specifically stated otherwise.)Proud Canadian. (mostly)My non-pinned posts are set to delete after 2 months.No alt text, no boost.http://www.carolynstampeen.com