testing. does webp work here how? (if it does she'll be dancing)
Notices by sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social), page 5
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Monday, 28-Aug-2023 04:38:48 JST sofia ☮️🏴 -
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Monday, 28-Aug-2023 04:38:47 JST sofia ☮️🏴 and webm will probably converted to mp4 with no alpha, correct?
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Monday, 28-Aug-2023 04:38:46 JST sofia ☮️🏴 there is always the stone age fallback, right? or will this gif also be mp4-tified?
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Monday, 28-Aug-2023 04:38:44 JST sofia ☮️🏴 hmm, apng 🤔🤔🤔?
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Saturday, 26-Aug-2023 02:49:33 JST sofia ☮️🏴 @loehwe privatisierungen sind von vornherein ziemlich halbherziger liberalisierungs-ansatz: der dann meistens einen großen klobigen oligopolisten, der weiterhin im staatsfilz hängt und weiterhin in besitz einer kleinen minderheit ist.
die liberalere (und linkere) lösung währe es den staat zu enteignen und die firmen zu zerschlagen und an ihre kunden und mitarbeiter zu übergeben. die genossenschaftsform scheint mir hier gut geeignet.
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Friday, 25-Aug-2023 21:27:40 JST sofia ☮️🏴 @lain ps:
itadakimasuten appetit! -
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Friday, 25-Aug-2023 21:15:12 JST sofia ☮️🏴 @lain i only understand one of them. i failed as a weeb 😭.
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Thursday, 24-Aug-2023 00:35:28 JST sofia ☮️🏴 @jackpearse @ArneBab @vegos_f06 @PWS_1
"Ökonomen sind der Auffassung, dass man alles über Geld bewerrten muss." das ist kompletter unsinn und völlig abseits des ökonomik der letzten 200 jahre…
wenn menschen nur geld bewerten würden, gäbe es keinen grund für irgendetwas geld auszugeben. bestenfalls könntest du es wieder für geld verkaufen, aber an wen? es währe alles ein sinnloses nullsummenspiel das jegliche lebensrealität ignoriert.
geld ist immer mittel zum zweck.
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Thursday, 24-Aug-2023 00:35:18 JST sofia ☮️🏴 @jackpearse poste zusammengehörige posts doch bitte hintereinander, der thread ist sowieso schon chaos.
metriken wie GDP halte ich auch für überbewertet, und dieses stumpf zu maximieren kann durchaus schädlich sein. ich glaube viele ökonomen (vielleicht sogar eine mehrheit) sehen das ähnlich.
ich glaube die GDP-glorifizierung hat viel mit staaten zu tun, damit deren herumpfuschen in komplexen gesellschaftlichen prozessen wenigstens irgendeinen maßstab hat.
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 02:37:24 JST sofia ☮️🏴 @SheDrivesMobility leerstehende wohungen sind ja tendenziell eher da, wo leute weniger gern wohnen wollen, und neubau eher dort wo viel bedarf ist…
leerstand an wohlungen ist in den letzen 15 jahren deutlich zurückgegangen. wieviel leerstand würdest du denn für optimal halten?
im staatlichen interesse ist es vermutlich eher wohnungen knapp und wohnungskonkurrenz und -dichte gering zu halten damit großvermieter gut rentseeken können…
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Sunday, 06-Aug-2023 07:16:26 JST sofia ☮️🏴 @HeavenlyPossum the first is pretty commonplace in any marxism 101s. what they can't acknowledge is that if workers and consumers were free to choose, and everyone would be able to freely compete with the bosses, than the market would tend towards minimal exploitation.
the second you hear mostly from marxists after they are in power, but i think it's also somewhat implied in their concept of economic development.
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Sunday, 06-Aug-2023 07:16:25 JST sofia ☮️🏴 @HeavenlyPossum as for ancaps, yeah, they tend to be pretty apologetic about workplace hierarchies, too, for similar reasons as marxists. somehow they seem to assume that despite the massive market distortion by governments, the corporate structure would be close ruthlessly optimized.
but most of them just don't care about corporate structure very much, and just treat business as black boxes.
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Sunday, 06-Aug-2023 06:52:56 JST sofia ☮️🏴 @HeavenlyPossum Peter Thiel isn't a libertarian of any kind, or else he wouldn't work for the government's murder industry… he's also really anti-market, btw. he seem boring and unpleasant so i don't know much else about him…
"everyone is allowed everything" is just meaningless as soon as people don't agree on absolutely anything. and if everyone agreed there would be no difference between authoritarian and libertarian anyway.
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Sunday, 06-Aug-2023 06:52:55 JST sofia ☮️🏴 @HeavenlyPossum generally in the authoritarian view, if you what you are allowed to do is determined by your status, in the libertarian view it's determined by bodily autonomy and consent.
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Sunday, 06-Aug-2023 06:52:53 JST sofia ☮️🏴 @HeavenlyPossum the problem is that (anti-)capitalism has different meanings, libertarian and authoritarian one, and modern leftism muddles them.
libertarian "anti-capitalism" (what i like to call anti-bossism) is against centralized control in organisations and highly unequal wealth distributions. in this view, the exploitation of workers is what economists call rent-seeking. bosses basically taxing the value created between worker and consumer.
cc @redcat -
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Sunday, 06-Aug-2023 06:52:51 JST sofia ☮️🏴 @HeavenlyPossum
authoritarian "anti-capitalism" is against economic freedom, is at the core of marxism and other state-socialist ideologies. here exploitation just kinda happens when people are free to engage in wage labour, blaming the victims, while workplace hierarchies are probably just part of making efficient business. inefficiencies are blamed on the "anarchy of the market". because they think power is productive and freedom is not.2/2
cc @redcat -
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Wednesday, 02-Aug-2023 19:32:17 JST sofia ☮️🏴 @lain und erst recht kein koch!
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 02:42:13 JST sofia ☮️🏴 @lain well, bur rarely just as blatant as this, right? i think it's usually something "yeah freedom sounds good, but a sohisticated adult i understand that [some nonsense that doesn't survive much scrutiny]". i think there is some discomfort there. they want a justification and be over with it, i think.
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 02:28:52 JST sofia ☮️🏴 i guess most people don't really have a coherent concept of authoritarianism and freedom. which is so strange, because they still love to sing the praise of "freedom", what what does that mean for them?
sofia ☮️🏴 (sofia@chaos.social)'s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 02:20:43 JST sofia ☮️🏴 it's pretty bewildering how much general lack of interest there is authoritarianism and how grows and maintains itself. given how widespread authoritarian beliefs tend to be, it's not exactly surprising, but just from a straightforward risk analysis it's seems so obvious to me: what kills people, what stifles and reverts human development? sometimes accidents, mostly authoritarians. how controversial is this, really?