ryo subscriptions
These are the people whose notices ryo listens to.
coin Token
Admin for asimon.orgBorn and bred retard.Alt account: @coin@poa.st & @coin@freespeechextremist.com"Fucking medusa baby" t. Brother
onionket_staff オニオンケット公式
ダークウェブのオンライン同人誌イベント「オニオンケット」の公式アカウント。オニオンケットとはダークウェブでのみ主催される分散的、検閲耐性のあるオンライン同人誌イベントです。オニオンケットの目的は、アーティストが作品をファンに配布するのに簡単、無料、そして検閲耐性のある方法を提供することです。Staff account for the Online Darkweb Doujin Event "Onionket". Onionket is a decentralized, censorship-resistant online doujin/art festival hosted exclusively in the Dark Web.
heavens_feel Heavens Feel
Long-time user of the fediverse. Outlasted several instances. I wanna enjoy anime, go to seiyuu idol concerts, and grill.Japanese is my second language. JP to ENG fantranslator. Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/c/c-1498241#nofed
tsumuri Tsumuri Amnesia Tokyo/Japan https://tsumuri.moe
14 years old. Fullstack Application developer. 14歳。フルスタック アプリケーション開発者。
silverpill silverpill
Developer of ActivityPub-based micro-blogging and content subscription platform Mitra. Working on Fediverse standards: https://codeberg.org/silverpill/feps
Misato Misato
やあやあ、Varis民(みん)僕の名前はミサトだよー。 名誉外人兼ただの日本人。Hello, I'm misato.I'm a weird Japanese and I'm honorary Gaijin.<To varis hangout users>・I'll follow the rule of this instance, But,I'm not sure about the law of U.S. I saw,learned to rule of here a few times. But it's not perfect yet so I might make a mistake. When I'm doing like that situation,if possible,you may explain that(but,if possible) so, I'm happy.I'm not a sensitive person about that,so it's ok.Thank you.No life No shitpost.
ryo 寮 :verified: :chinafied: :lolified: :niggerfied: :cheezified: :frogified:
The nazi lolicon who keeps getting cancelled by non-binary Masto-fascists.
gnusocialjp GNU social JP管理人
gnusocial.jpの管理人です。GNU socialや分散SNSに関する情報などを投稿していきます。 登録前にgnusocial.jpを試したい場合は@testのテストアカウントをお使いください。 質問などあればお気軽にお知らせください。Twitterにも同名アカウントがあります。
charliebrownau Charliebrownau
* White Straight Aussie Male * Linux/Techie/Nerd * Voluntarism & +Agorism* Keto + Init Fasting* SHTF/ Offgrid / Homestead* Air Rifle + Gel Blaster* Flat Earth pilled * Ethnic Nationalist * JQ pilled
udon Udon 毛布の中
- 雑談用垢(政治、NSFWなもの含め) -(外国人なので日本語はカタコト) - (May contain political and NSFW content or retoot) #nobots - HP (tor): http://gpvdip7rd7bdy5gf7scl3rzgzgzckqw4sqxbmy6g3zijfwu4lz3ypbyd.onion/ - HP (i2p): http://xx6ojsbjzosszqzdxfuopkib6aslzjd6jhcde36qvvm7hzqbddyq.b32.i2p/
PhenomX6 🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸
do the paw shakerblocked by 6 million bad mastodon instances that won't tell you who they're blockingjoin the freezone (tm) and leave your prison, and run your own pleroma instance today
wrongthink Wrongthink
Depraved spreader of disinformation. Contact your local field office if you see anything offensive.🧠 🈲止