@Paultron @SK1ZM Yeah. I do like checking in on sam sometimes, because as far as artists go he’s very astute. I’m surprised at how much he’s learned from life, usually people in his position don’t have that. I really like nick, because he’s not a comedian, he’s just a hard working guy, living in the real world. He’s observant, which I always love in a person.
I kinda doubt charls can bring out that old, cantankerous bachelor schizo energy now that he’s a dad. Who knows, though, the few things they’ve had lately have been pretty tonally accurate. Sam did have a very astute point about how he can’t move into the woods and feed chickens like tim pool - he would lose his connection to the irritations of IRL living, closing himself off to cultural temperature and stunting his creative process.
I’ve never been huge into MDE, like most any sketch thing it’s hit or miss, but there isn’t anything else on. And they do serve to keep young people closer to our ideological ecosystem.