mint subscriptions
These are the people whose notices mint listens to.
cwtch Cwtch
Cwtch: Surveillance Resistant Infrastructure - a project by the Open Privacy Research Society (@openprivacy)
gajim Gajim
Gajim is a fully-featured XMPP chat client.#chat #xmpp #gajimPlease join for support.
dino Dino
Dino is a modern open-source chat client for the desktop. It focuses on providing a clean and reliable XMPP ("Jabber") experience while having your privacy in mind.#XMPP #software #privacy #floss #opensource
QubesOS Qubes OS
Qubes OS is a security-oriented operating system that allows you to compartmentalize your data and activities into isolated environments called "qubes" so that a single cyberattack can't take down your entire digital life in one fell swoop.
torproject The Tor Project
We advance human rights and defend your privacy online through free software and open networks.
haturatu 今も元気ハツラツ太郎 仙台
22歳です。 Think Pad Lover. 中学生のときから集めてました。 過去所有X60,X61,X200,X201,X230 現在保有X260,T60p,T61p,X220(2023年購入) 名前は中学生の頃にやってたAVAというFPSで使っていたもの。
udon Udon 毛布の中
- 雑談用垢(政治、NSFWなもの含め) -(外国人なので日本語はカタコト) - (May contain political and NSFW content or retoot) #nobots - HP (tor): http://gpvdip7rd7bdy5gf7scl3rzgzgzckqw4sqxbmy6g3zijfwu4lz3ypbyd.onion/ - HP (i2p): http://xx6ojsbjzosszqzdxfuopkib6aslzjd6jhcde36qvvm7hzqbddyq.b32.i2p/