@Pawlicker So tl;dr is we need to remake old DeviantArt?
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Honestly I could write essays about the death of art sites and how it fucked over the art scene online.
So I'll say this last thing about what made old dA so great: the community aspect. You could upload images and you'd get related images. You'd see images in a community. You could browse for more related art.
This died off when DeviantArt did and it's going to be lost knowledge when people start new art sites unless they were "there". Even sites like lack this.
Also tagging, and related stuff is missing on and similar. Twitter is dogshit to find an artists previous upload gallery on. It's genuinely a dodgy site. I hate it. You're not going to find a 5 year old tweet of shit you like unless you're using the from:(profile) and time search functions.