@GinNig real?
@GinNig @andreas @sjw yeah no the Jews hate Jesus. Believing in Jesus is like kryptonite to the Jews.
@GinNig @sjw you worship a jewish faggot. No wonder chomos dominate your punk ass. Cause and effect. Continue to be a know nothing faggot as jews gang rape your what is left of your mind, body and soul.
@andreas @sjw And you side with Jews in every way
Denounce satan and embrace Christ
@andreas @sjw andreas are you still being a fag? Are you still antiChrist? Get your pony ass to Church and pray, my guy. Your comebacks are weaker than your wrists
@sjw @GinNig a jewish face.
@j @GinNig @sjw Their conversion by the Spanish or celebration of christmas begs to differ. Yes. The jews sacrifice christians no different from a stupid heifer waits for the end by a kike. Except the heifers has the excuse of being a dumb cow. The christian however has the body of an intelligent homo sapiens that should be self aware enough to notice killing intent and what is likely to have the killing intent succeed and getting rid of that vice.
Making the christian less than a cow.