This is also the true root for charges of anti-nomianism (literally against the law). Calling out anti-nomianism is literally to make a defense of the Law. It is first important to realize, that only Legalistic Christians can even bring this charge.
Exhorting a man to please God, to bear spiritual fruit, and to not displease God. Is just this iterations nomenclature of the Law of God. And, that nomenclature will change, it always does, the church has forever abused language to impose Legalism, while evading the charge of Legalism.
To tie this to the quoted post. The impersonal ideals that a pastor interprets to control a congregation... that is literally the Pharisee paradigm of the law. Their charge against the Gospel of anti-nomianism, is 100% accurate. They correctly identify that the chains of bondage, that they use to control men, that the Gospel would destroy these chains.
Ministers of Legalism, literally have a conflict of interest, that causes them to fight bitterly against the only true Gospel.
It is for this reason, that YOU cannot have the Gospel and Legalism at the same time. They are mutually exclusive, they are diametrically opposed to each other.
For those who teach the law, will be judged by the law. And, in failing to keep any part of the law, where ever they have kept it, it will be then counted as failure. And those who are judged to have failed the law, look forward to nothing but the wrath of God.
Who can read Paul's warnings, and not yearn for the Freedom promised by the True Gospel? Only those who's heart is as dead as a stone or as hard as a bar of iron.
- New Janny in Town likes this.
@hazlin what is nomiaism?
@hazlin I see, I want to have tradition to safeguard our belief though.
> nomism
> noun
> Strict adherence to law, especially in the nomistic religions, that is, religions which possess codes for the regulation of the cult and of life.
Strangely enough, this definition seems to be just fine.
If I were to expound on it, nomianism is to serve an impersonal and rigid ideal.
Throughout all of known history, men have always preferred to serve something dead, rather than a living God.
@MK2boogaloo @hazlin raping and murdering infants has a long and treasured tradition
@s8n @hazlin shut up Satan.
@MK2boogaloo @hazlin hey you better know what you're up against, they really believe in this stuff
@MK2boogaloo @hazlin tradition is okay, so long as you understand it. It should never be allowed to be like the story about the oven roasted ham.
@MK2boogaloo apologies, I didn't see this until just now xD
I am afraid the truth is that, traditions are powerless to safeguard anything.
A story from the Bible if you will. That when the Israelites were in the desert, and dying from snake bites, Moses hung a spent upon a staff, and all who looked on it were healed.
Now, fast forward, the serpent on the end of the stick, and become tradition. People had brass snakes upon rods, it was an icon of the miracle God had performed.
But, as with all traditions, the meaning was lost over time, and they began to worship the snake on the stick. A prophet comes along, and says "that brass thing" which greatly offended everyone. Their precious tradition was not a "brass thing."
They had substituted it for God. But, the brass thing could not heal them, nor help them in any way.
I have seen many examples in my lifetime if traditions replacing God, usually in a single generation of a ministry. Our traditions making void the Word of God is not an exaggeration.