@jjetty Fuck that's so true... They (women) will never understand the masculine urge to fight gloriously as a hero for his and his own up to and including the act of noble self sacrifice against hopeless odds. In fact, the more hopeless, the better.
@d0c40r0 @jjetty It's one of the only ways many men's lives can truly mean anything or make a meaningful impact on outcomes. History is built on martyrs willing to die for what they believe in.
Most woman and some men might look at a situation where a man died fighting for a cause and turn back not wanting to die the same way, other men see his soul, the passion and determination that lead to his death and the dream that he carried. So they take up that dream, that they too believe in, and continue to carry it for him.
Part of the reason White deaths get zero media coverage is for this reason. Ebba Akerland's gruesome death at the hands of some sandnigger in a truck was met with retaliation. More people look at Tarrant positively than negatively and that is absolutely fucking terrifying to our (((establishment))).
men crave martyrdom