You know what i noticed bout some of the Gaboomers they think they very fucking clever they get you follow them back then unfollow you to get their followers total up above their follow count
@hazlin Some of the new Gab people are fantastic but others are some of the most puritan no fun allowed types I ever met. Luckily most the ones I spoken to are decent but a few have been insane but they will get filtered
@Dan_Hulson A few, like Help Helper, fit right in here.
Some of the others though? They don't even seem like real people lol.
@Dan_Hulson I always knew there was something wrong with the people who stayed after the America First crap
@Dan_Hulson @hazlin Part of the issue is the way this place was sold on Gab me thinks, I knew this is the racist weeb site, it's why I wanted to come here to begin with lol, but I recommended NCD aswell if people don't like anime, most other people talking about fedi didn't do that lol
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Dan_Hulson Honestly, I feel a bit bad for the ones who only made 1 account, and then got banned.
But, that is only in a theoretical sense. For all the ones I've noticed. Like that guy that got banned from NCD today, he was talking down to everyone like they were human garbage.
@hazlin @Dan_Hulson @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired reminder that all of this could've been averted if Poast didn't accept those slimy e-celebs with their subhumans back in 2022.