My Doom in Space project was written about in a Norwegian Tech Magazine. If you have access to it and wanna practice your Norwegian you can read it here (subscription or login paywall)
@olafurw@c0dec0dec0de oh yeah, it's great! Very awesome. And it's cool to see Doom Generic in use. I discovered that project last year and ended up porting Doom to a power tool without much difficulty, it's so handy.
You had an interesting approach to the sky overlay issue. Very clever and unique. I think I would have cheated, like make the sky bright pink and treat it like a chroma key in my doomgeneric renderer, but it's neat to see how you solved it.
@olafurw@c0dec0dec0de was there much visible difference in palette from one screenshot to the next? Cause I imagine the statusbar and such would shift a little