If God is so merciful why did he kill his son instead of forgiving everyone? As a judge, I wouldn't punish you if your father was caught committing a crime, that is NOT justice.
How is being a slave to God a bad thing?
@MMS21 @nozaki @AnimeTradCath @MisterLister The mercy is toward the world, not Himself; the self-sacrifice was a willing one and He could have decided to not go through with it any point in the process. It was necessary to fulfill previously established ritual requirements and effectively replace them; arguing this further would just be a "could God make a rock so big he couldn't move it" discussion. There is no contradiction.
@MMS21 @nozaki @MisterLister It is not for me to dictate to the Eternal Creator of the Universe whether what he does is merciful, necessary or contradictory by my humanly fickle standards, but for God, the Eternal Unmoved Mover, to dictate to me what is his mercy whether I agree with it or not. Without him we would not be.
Nigga runnin doing that digital jog away from the point. You and all of these guys know it’s not merciful, unnecessary and contradictory. You wouldn’t act that so called justice out irl and you know damn why. Christianity is a joke. The name comes from an insult and you call him king yet parade around with the most humiliating symbol of the crucifixion. Who tf celebrates a king by mocking him 🤣
@MMS21 @MisterLister @nozaki You can make your own universe with blackjack and hookers and be the Eternal Judge of that universe, until then doesn't matter how much you disagree with how God did things, he's the eternal creator of the Universe, so he makes the rules.
Do you agree that it was not merciful, unnecessary and contradictory then?
@MMS21 @nozaki They don't keep me up at night because I can understand the concept of the Trinity unlike your swarthoid brain
Ill post it again because you’re so retarded. If God is so merciful why did he kill his son instead of forgiving everyone? As a judge, I wouldn't punish you if your father was caught committing a crime, that is NOT justice.
NIGGA YOU DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND THE TRINITY 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this is the biggest cope ever. Ask a million christians what the trinity is and you will get a million different answers.
@MMS21 @nozaki I saw you arguing with dharmadudebro and I know you're retarded
Why should I bother with some cuck that follows a religion for sand niggers when you just deserve ridicule
awesome response buddy. keep avoiding those questions that keep you up at night and make you question your faith in a pathetic man god. remember, the more reactions you get from your fag friends means you’re more right!!
@MMS21 @nozaki How's middleschool going? Aren't you a bit too young to be on the fedi?
Another coward entering a thread out of his depth. None of you will be able to answer sincerely 😂