"Christian Nationalism" is fake and homosexual so no surprises there:
"Researchers found that more than half of Republicans believe the country should be a strictly Christian nation, either adhering to the ideals of Christian nationalism (21%) or sympathizing with those views (33%)."
@LordMordred @okuu @Terry And those who are not connected to the colonists aren't really posterity. They're cousin peoples, separate nations from ours, even if infinitely more compatible with our way of life than the nigger species or the swarthy invader.
@okuu @Terry A Christian nation (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) is the best we were ever going to get after 1865, so yes.
@RupertvonRipp @okuu @Terry There's still White Protestants in America even White Catholics and White Orthodox Christians
@Terry America should still be a Christian nation, though.
@RupertvonRipp @okuu @Terry I'd rather have a nation of White Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox Christians over a nation of fucking swarthoid niggers and kikes