@msw@lwriemen@lightweight@downey@skyfaller I shun TechRights since their distrust of corporate influence goes to ludicrous extremes. To the extent they lump elementary LLC, who by absolutely no means qualifies as such, in with the major corporate players trying to "take over Linux".
It is opinions like their's that I am characterizing when I use the term "fossbro", to avoid naming names.
@lightweight@msw@lwriemen@downey@skyfaller I find this one useful as a means to diagnose a problem in our communities, but I do agree I should avoid applying it to specific individuals, sites, etc. Which I failed to handle to hold myself to this time.
@alcinnz I try to avoid those sorts of depersonalising labels, as they load a lot of pejorative innuendo (much of which isn't understood by everyone) and a lot of unwarranted by-catch. @msw@lwriemen@downey@skyfaller