@ErnstScholer Falling church attendance and false shepherds don't change the fact that Jesus rose from the dead.
I'm not a Christian because it's popular, I'm a Christian because it's true.
And if I have to choose between my race and God? I'm choosing God every time, because you know who can save my people? God.
- New Janny in Town likes this.
As Easter continues to loom over (despite it's actually Ostern season).
Church attending numbers are plummeting in the US and other Western nations across this world.
Since I'm not a really much of a Christian man anymore, because churches being infiltrated by the Judaic LGBTQA-plus maniacs, too many unnecessary infighting which divides us clashing over religions, interracial marriages that destroys genes, some pastors babbling without much purposes like debating with prattling trifling worthless topics and never brought Aryan unity much.
I'm not going to infight or tackle any Christian faith devotee over this post but get some understanding please.
More and more Aryan Americans converting to Ancient Aryan Paganism (a.k.a Norse Paganism including) as they witnessed that majority of Christians becoming race traitors and serving the vermin parasitic Jews.
-As Statista’s Anna Fleck reports, new data from Gallup shows that church attendance has dropped across all polled Christian groups. As the following chart shows, the biggest drop in attendance in the past 20 years has been amongst Catholics, which has fallen from 45 percent of U.S. adults self-identifying as Catholic saying that they go to religious services weekly or at least every week in 2000-2003, down to 33 percent saying the same in 2021-2023. This is a decrease of 12 percentage points. Catholics’ attendance is lower than their Protestant counterparts, which saw a drop of 4 percentage points in that time frame from 48 percent of worshippers to 44 percent.-
We need to put our race first as always, not religion.
-According to Gallup’s data, this decline in church attendance among Christians speaks to a wider pattern across religion in the U.S. generally.
Where an average of 42 percent of U.S. adults attended religious services every week or nearly every week 20 years ago, now this figure is just 30 percent.
This is largely due to an increase in the share of U.S. adults who self-identify as having no religious affiliation.-
Although aside from this, there are few regions in America with many strong white Christian identity solidarities despite numbers are decreasing.
Apologies to my racial Christian nationalist comrades but unfortunately in a sorrowful way, this is the current reality and you scared off many Aryan Pagan warriors away.