Something deeply deceptive about the female SJW at Kotaku, Alyssa Mercante, shaming Grummz for opposing DEI uglification in games by saying Grummz himself does not look attractive.
The deception lies in the fact that we're talking about two different things, art and reality. The purpose of art transcends reality, operating in the metaphysical. Art aims to infuse reality with values and ideals, not to document reality.
If the art we consume glorifies the ugly it affects our norms and values in alignment with a culture of death. If, otoh, it idealizes the beautiful and vigorous it glorifies life and health (mental and physical), and everything required for it.
Life underpins all traditionalism as THE primary value.
And God made man, according to the image of God he made him, male and female he made them. - Genesis 1:27
God blessed them, saying, Increase and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it - Genesis 1:28
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. - John 14:6
There can be beauty in the ugly (decaying flower) and ugly in the beautiful (poisonous flower). But to outright denounce beauty and idealize ugly (replace flower with poo) contradicts the life-giving purpose of art.
To base this defiling of art on the fact that reality itself shows us ugliness confuses not only the two different natures of art and reality, with separate purpose, but also ignores that reality shows great beauty and a continuous renewal of life in man and nature. Thank God.