@coolboymew 8 MB? That's overkill, no one will ever need that much storage for 4 games.
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@PunishedD @coolboymew i never had a ps2 during its time, my mom was like 'you already got a playstation' i had a ps1, but tbh, it was fine, i had so many jrpgs and shit to play on ps1, but years later after i became an adult and had some moeny to throw away, i went and bought a used one at gamestop and caught up on some of the games i missed, cuz that was back in the days when consoles actually had exclusives you miht be willing to play. now days i don't ahve a single gaming consol, i sold my ps4 and any games i ahd for it recently too
if i play anything at all, it's on pc.