Judge Dread ('s status on Monday, 25-Mar-2024 10:09:47 JST Judge Dread
If you hate the GOP right so much that you start providing fire support for hard Marxists because you're butthurt that Mitch McConnell never went 14/88 just fuck off from my notifications.
If the GOP fell entirely due to some ginned up Watergate scandal many people reading this would be in prison soon after as unchecked by fear of GOP interference the kikes would move their plans forward and you in prison is a vital part of that.-
Judge Dread ('s status on Monday, 25-Mar-2024 10:09:41 JST Judge Dread
@TrevorGoodchild The very fact that McConnell completely thwarted the attempt to pack the court via murder shows that the GOP does understand its vital function and will make use of it. That a low IQ fucktard like DeSantis rushed to sign an unconstitutional law says nothing about its central place in Team B praxis. In fact I bet Team B is kicking themselves about it right now because it helped destroy DeSantis as a viable Judas goat. -
Trevor Goodchild:verified::pondering_orb: ('s status on Monday, 25-Mar-2024 10:09:41 JST Trevor Goodchild:verified::pondering_orb:
@judgedread Zion Ron rushing to pissrael to pledge fealty and sign that bill was a clear sign that he was a total political amateur on the national stage Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
Judge Dread ('s status on Monday, 25-Mar-2024 10:09:42 JST Judge Dread
@ChristiJunior The place where propaganda is effective is right here in the matrix, and until they can shut down internet speech entirely Israel is fucked.
I suspect most speech laws are going to be struck down because the Catholics on the court know that the Bible is next because the dirty Christ killers can't stop kvetching about it. -
Trevor Goodchild:verified::pondering_orb: ('s status on Monday, 25-Mar-2024 10:09:42 JST Trevor Goodchild:verified::pondering_orb:
@judgedread @ChristiJunior The success of the monomaniacal gun lobby in the US argues for the correctness of your take, as First Amendment interpretations are even more broad and flexible than Second -
Christi Junior ('s status on Monday, 25-Mar-2024 10:09:43 JST Christi Junior
@judgedread @AlpineEnjoyer Surely the Supreme Court would strike the Israel Firster blasphemy laws down if they were challenged, right? I think even a lot of leftwing Jews dislike those laws, especially given how far to the right Israel itself has moved in the last couple of decades. -
Judge Dread ('s status on Monday, 25-Mar-2024 10:09:44 JST Judge Dread
@AlpineEnjoyer Those laws are extremely contrived. I can post kike facts forever and not break them. They are unconstitutional, but that is academic. -
Judge Dread ('s status on Monday, 25-Mar-2024 10:09:46 JST Judge Dread
@Innawoods You're a bit confused. What the party mainly Whites vote for is doing is delaying the technics of actual gulag extermination operations. For example by protecting gun rights. If it weren't for GOP SCOTUS appointees we'd already have European gun and speech laws.
BTW it is likely that the stretch goals of the kikes will be undone by SCOTUS, in particular the anti-Handsome Truth law. -
AlpineEnjoyer ('s status on Monday, 25-Mar-2024 10:09:46 JST AlpineEnjoyer
@judgedread @Innawoods Sadly, post-Oct.7 the GOP seems more prone to pushing speech laws. -
Innawoods ('s status on Monday, 25-Mar-2024 10:09:47 JST Innawoods
@judgedread That's why jews get their new antisemitism laws passed in red states right, because jewish power is checked by the GOP right. Pants on head retarded take right here -
Trevor Goodchild:verified::pondering_orb: ('s status on Monday, 25-Mar-2024 21:25:38 JST Trevor Goodchild:verified::pondering_orb:
@BarelyEagle @judgedread @VaxxSabbath Right now we are in a tactical delay phase in order to buy time, recruit, and swell our ranks. A set piece battle currently would destroy us.
It took Bad Vlad 20 years to get Russia to the point where it could challenge the GAE and he had to eat a lot of shit on the wayKenny Blankenship likes this. -
BarelyEagle ('s status on Monday, 25-Mar-2024 21:25:39 JST BarelyEagle
@TrevorGoodchild @judgedread Am I understanding Dread correctly that his thesis is, at least at the moment, the GOP is more useful to us alive because while they aren’t our guys they at least slow down the real evil shit the jews have planned?
I wouldn’t be surprised if the GOP is aware of their second status as pleb wranglers in the Auron MacIntyre/ @VaxxSabbath system and acting accordingly - that is, they only serve a purpose in the power structure as long as there are enough plebs that need wrangling. Total kike victory means they too would serve no purpose anymore and be jettisoned as well.