@nate_river >Hi eveone! I'm Nate River. Probably some of you know me. I'm a nepio and pedophile who also are bisexual.
@ChristiJunior @nate_river
I like how he has literally no personality outside of that. Eating at restaurants, watching movies, and reading books, really?
@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @nate_river He is desperately trying to humanize himself after admitting he is a bisexual pedophile.
@TheMadPirate >"ethical" pedophile
Am I having an "Eli is retarded at English" moment? or does that … not work.
I fucking hate it here.
@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @nate_river
@zoomgoboom @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior
@nate_river is trying to push the idea of the "ethical" pedophile i.e. a person to feels sexually attracted to children but has enough moral fortitude to not act on his urges.
In way it's like having an "ethical" fox claiming that, despise liking to eat chickens, he has the enough moral fortitude to not act on his primal impulses.
That's why people do not believe this "ethical" pedophiles, in the eyes of most people, what they are truly saying is "I'm a ticking bomb waiting to explode"
@TheMadPirate let's hope he puts just as much effort into acting on his horrific twisted desires.
@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @nate_river