I haven't heard anything about that chemical train spill anywhere how bad is it actually
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@Samhydeigger Just scroll through yeet's timeline, he's got all the deets on just how fucked this is.
>every major river in eastern half of america contaminated with beyond toxic chemicals
>every farm going to be affected
>every person who uses tap for anything at all at risk east of utah
>cloud made sure to bring chems to blue ridge mountains and all surrounding areas
>central canada affected heavily
>projected immediate respiratory failures and complications along with 5-10 years ahead of constant and consistent cancer tumor growth
@SrbijaStronk @Samhydeigger Jews dumping toxic chemicals in more than one Palestine.
@SrbijaStronk hmmm
@Samhydeigger Potentially capable of wiping out most of the continent. This is not an exaggeration.