Man, I get it's for like smart TVs and stuff like that but I have NEVER seen an interface as frustrating as kodi. I can't even take a screenshot to show you. You have to actually try and use it to feel how frustrating it is.
@Moon look at thim
@Moon I got his voice to come out of both ears but now the audio is delayed by a full second :niggabroken:
@RustyCrab I use it every day, but on macos lately
@Moon this problem is exclusive to VLC, not happening with mpv. I have had SO many problems with VLC lately. Has it just gone to shit?
@Moon it's just been constant either failure to play audio, delayed/lagged audio, codec errors, screen going black. None of this this has been happening with MPV.
@Moon I am streaming it from VLC but David Attenborough's voice specifically is only coming out of one headphone. Why is everything like this :niggaabyss:
@Moon yeah I downloaded it to try and get encoding free playback because my pitiful server can't handle 1080p. But kodi is making the video speed up and down every second or so. I'm going to try and have it stream into VLC or MPV or something.
@RustyCrab it's garbage. also it's single-threaded on the same thread for the plugins so if you, like, import a big directory of movies on a network share, it will just completely freeze the entire interface until the files are all previewed.