Cant believe gamergate 2.0 is starting again with the Sweet Baby Inc fiasco.
And you know what? From what i've researched, a lot of familiar name and faces back then are present in this shitshow AGAIN.
- luithe and チャガタイくん@喜多川海夢推し like this.
@ryuuji for me the biggest bomb was discovering that alec holowkas studio is now being used to support the same people that made him kill himself
it's fucking insane :kekw:
@ryuuji hell yeah can't wait for more centrist liberal grifts from """/ourguys/""" over at plebbit.cum/r/kotakuinaction
@Barbecued_Lemons @ryuuji ecelebs are a disease
(and bullets are the cure)
@Xeraser @ryuuji I blame Jim for starting this gamergate too
@ryuuji it isnt 2.0 because it never really ended
The e celebs moved on some of the anons kept trying to fight and the enemy dug in deeper
@ryuuji I love how just listing games that sweet baby has worked with is enough to cause a “fiasco”
It's not gamergate 2. Gamergate never ended. It just had a couple faggot seasons while the writers took a break.