@TheMadPirate @ChristiJunior The Nig64 is a machine to boot up Smash Bros and Perfect Dark. Anonymous sources tell me a game called F-Zero X also exists for it; but I haven't seen a study to back that up, so it's a risky $50 investment.
@Rasterman @TheMadPirate
>Calls himself a Metroid fan, hasn't played the Prime games.
>Calls himself a Zelda fan, has only played the NES and open world games.
>Calls himself an F-Zero fan, hasn't actually played F-Zero X.
There are literal g*rl gamers out there who are less fraudulent than you :Yoshi_disgust:
@ChristiJunior @Rasterman Since I never owned a N64 nor played N64 games, I have no idea what a Real or Fake Nintendo Gamer is.
@Rasterman They are starting to build up a decent selection of N64 games, if one is a Fake Gamer who has barely played any N64 games before (You).
My annual NSO subscription expires later this month. Is $50 too much to be able to play F-Zero X? :thinkin: