@xianc78@gameliberty.club The lure of conveniently signing in to private digital services using a single official eID app is a trap. Overidentification will gradually erode our right to use digital services anonymously which currently keeps us safe from criminal activity, unauthorised disclosure, identity theft, stalking and other forms of abuse of personal data. The eID app will not allow for multiple, truly separate user profiles which vulnerable persons rely on.
The server-side code of the eID wallet will not have to be open source, meaning the public cannot know what the code actually does and if it is safe.
In view of all this, the new EU eID app will not be trustworthy and will fail to sufficiently encourage the development of digital and eGovernment services in Europe – much to the Pirates regret.“https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/eu-digital-identity-regulation-eidas-pirates-dont-support-blank-cheque-for-surveillance-of-citizens-online-3/