Could you update the jsstp on the ssp homepage to the latest ver(v3.1.1.2) and try this simplified code when you have time?
async function checkSSPVersion() {
try {
let currentVersion = await jsstp.GetShortVersion().catch(e=>throw '(SSPが起動していません)');
let newerVersion = await fetch("/archive/version.json")
.then(res => res.json())
.then(json => json.ssp.full.version);
if (currentVersion == newerVersion)
throw '更新不要';
throw currentVersion < newerVersion ? '更新あり' : '更新不要';
} catch (error) {
if (typeof error != 'string')
error = '(チェックエラー)';
document.querySelector(".ssp-current-version").textContent = error;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", checkSSPVersion);