@ArdainianRight You shouldn't disregard evil people as disabled. That's ableist. Anyone can commit atrocities, regardless if they are neurotypical or neurodivergent.
@ArdainianRight@hachi It really disgusts me that these far-left, SJW, Mastodon fucks are trying to normalize mental illness. And I mean ones like schizophrenia.
@xianc78@hachi Foucault played a big role in promoting the idea that schizos should be roaming the streets freely. Anti-civilization rot has been spreading for a while.
@xianc78@ArdainianRight@hachi If you have a loved one that deals with a schizoaffective disorder of any kind you'd know better than to venerate such bullshit. Psychotic breaks are a curse that do real damage even if you don't off yourself in the offering and those who deal with them become a danger to himself and his loved ones, betrayed by his own mind.
@RupertvonRipp@hachi@xianc78 He was a massive pedofaggot, and the inventor of postmodernism and all its wicked offspring. Thankfully he also died of AIDS in the 1980s.