I'm tired of hearing about AI, to be honest. I never cared for it. I don't respect people who use generative AI, and I despise companies that sell out people's data to train it. Yes, people will lose jobs to it, but the world will not be better for it. It's just that consequences are rarely immediately apparent in such complex systems.
@Gargron I partly agree with you , although I would not be as negative and I certainly see many area where AI is insanely magic and of great value for society.
When it comes to GPT style AI however I think we have to ask ourselves why we should want to delegate creative and joyful work to computers. Expressing our thoughts and feelings using text, still and moving imagery ultimately defines who we are, where we come from and where we will go to. This is hard work for a reason.
@Gargron I've lost count of how many people I've blocked, including people I used to follow, who don't understand just how bad everything to do with generative AI, and AI in general, actually is for the environment, artists rights, and data privacy. It's alarming how many just go "Haha look, funny picture" and just dismiss all the problems out of hand.
@Gargron I suggest you browse “21 lessons for the 21st century” for well-researched analysis of how AI will be beneficial to ordinary consumers, in medical services, food, entertainment, government. The book came out six years ago so it’s not influenced by the current AI craze. The current AIs are crude toys, like the first of any human discovery. AI’s could generate movies for your preferred level of violence, romance and plots. I will pay for an AI to generate good Star Wars movies for me.
@Gargron So far, it’s been more or less a hobby of mine. The programmer and computer scientist in me is more fascinated by how it works internally and what I can make it do than in the output it generates; meanwhile, the creative spirit in me is more interested in what it synthesise out of the large amounts of digital art I’ve created, edited, composited, et cetera, and fed into it.
Point is, these two things don’t have to exist in opposition.
@Gargron Excellent post. I’m only familiar with it from the point of view of a writer-researcher. I wrote a separate thread about my experience (probably too long, multiple posts) which in my inexperienced way backs up what I read in your thread and (I hope) expands it a bit. https://mastodon.social/@VirginiaLady16/112014635702749149
@Gargron On a personal level I really enjoy generative AI. On a societal level I think it needs to be handled carefully and regulated so people aren't put out of jobs, or so that there's a safety net if your job is affected. I've been trying out chatgpt and it's hilariously bad at certain tasks and gets a lot of details wrong in the domains that I know a lot about. It's nice to have black-and-white hot takes, but reality is gray.
I’ve found the generative fill in Photoshop quite useful when I’ve needed to expand a photo (for example), such as turning a landscape into a portrait image or adding a bit of extra room where I’d want to crop something - things like that. Thats the only “AI” stuff I’d actually miss.
All of the rest of it is hell and can burn in a fire though. 🤣
@Gargron > Честно говоря, я устал слышать об ИИ. > Меня это никогда не интересовало. > Я не уважаю людей, использующих генеративный ИИ, > и презираю компании, которые продают данные людей для его обучения. > Да, люди потеряют работу из-за этого, > но мир от этого лучше не станет. > Просто в таких сложных системах последствия редко проявляются сразу.
Доброго дня! Но есть же и позитивные моменты в развитии больших языковых моделей (ИИ). Вот например качество перевода ощутимо повысилось ;)
@Gargron The bit I can't figure out, by the time the companies are peddling AI doing everything... What are we even going to be getting out of bed, or staying alive for?
@Gargron Bruh to be honest I'm glad I found someone who shares the same opinion as me. The consequences of the "AI REVOLUTION" will be much more than what we anticipate... Or I'm just paranoid about them after watching a lot of movies.. But still I always firmly belive that an AI can never be able to make choices like us cause sometimes choosing emotions are better than logical stuff. Plus the fact that our data will be used to train such AI's is very concerning.
@Gargron the fact that you call it AI means you bought the talking points meme without understanding the tech. There is nothing artificial or intelligent about a Large Language model... it is a tool to sort and transform information... it does nothing you do not tell it to, just because you dont understand the instruction set (they are mostly too damn big for granular understanding) doesnt mean there isnt one... please do despise the companies selling their snake oil
@Gargron The phrasing of your post is unacceptable.
You have every right to dislike AI, I genuinely don’t care. I’m not a fan myself, and I also abhor companies that predates on creative people to train their models.
But as the CEO of the Mastodon foundation, you have a responsibility to set the tone in a way that doesn’t legitimize abuse against people.
Please edit your post. And please, get in touch with people familiar with executive communications.