@graf @miklol2 Ok just noticed something, since migrating to the new db there are barely any new activities added to the db. Look at the times, on the old "broken" db there used to be a few new activities every minute (which makes sense) and now there are gaps of 10+ minutes without any new activities, meaning the db definitely wasn't restored properly. My question is, is it worth even attempting to fix it or should I just drop and restore from the backup again?
cc @p @sjw
@shitpisscum @sjw @1ns0mniak @p @miklol2 wait you didn't restore it to a different version of postgresql did you? theoretically it shouldn't work but I'm just making sure
@p @sjw @miklol2 @graf @shitpisscum Pelroma? Yo that happened to me as well. I updated everything, both postgres and pleroma and now it's running nice and cool.
Assuming thats what you're talking about, I'm drinking and watching Dr. Phil atm.
@1ns0mniak @sjw @p @miklol2 @graf Ok but here's the weird part: I migrated the db to a more powerful dedicated server and now it's running much WORSE than it was
@shitpisscum @sjw @graf @miklol2 DB server should be I/O-bound. What is it grinding that hard?
@sjw @p @miklol2 @graf
> just let it run for a little bit
It's been running like this for 3 days already, CPU on the db server constantly at 100% so I don't really think it's going to fix itself any time soon lol
@shitpisscum @p @miklol2 @graf huh. Maybe just let it run for a little bit and see if it fixes itself.
Check your db tuning as well