When people say “host your own server” to me I am going to start telling them to represent themselves in court. We all have different skill sets and the bar for entry should not be being a server admin or mastodon is doomed to fail. There is no meaningful growth as it is . I want to see it succeed but chastising me does not make it so
but your problem is the reverse. your server is cool but the biggest fedi server is limiting their own users' access to your individual account. they'd do that wherever it was hosted. ultimately we need to break up MS, but having it as a default server is so useful right now. we really just need a new norm for moderation.
but what the mob did to you re Israel criticism, I'd probably never convince people here not to try to censor clearly conservative opinions.
@LALegault@wjmaggos Just scrolled through your history and found that. Unbelievable (believable). I’m sick of saying it but one instance should not be that big or have that much power.
Mastodon.Social. Yep, beyond shadow banning, they started to use the nebulous concept of "Holocaust Inversion" to remove posts that are critical of #Israel and/or #Zionism.
It doesn't take a genius to figure-out what's going on at mastodon.social. For that reason, I moved to mastodon.world yesterday.