Santa Noodle ☦️ ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 13:56:51 JST Santa Noodle ☦️
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @Frondeur @Will2Power I don't have a problem with KJV. I mostly read BSB these days, but i enjoy having several translation when I'm stuck on a verse. - New Janny in Town likes this.
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 13:56:50 JST New Janny in Town
@BowsacNoodle @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @Frondeur @Will2Power what's with hardline Protestants and their hatred of Constantine lol. -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:08:27 JST Omega Variant
His "conversation" was likely for political gain. It gave rise to the state sanctioned church of Rome. Bad for obvious reasons. Just like a state sanctioned religion would be now. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:08:27 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power nah it was genuine, he was the one who made Rome great again and stopped the persecution. You're just seething because you will never be as good as he was. -
Santa Noodle ☦️ ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:09:58 JST Santa Noodle ☦️
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @MK2boogaloo @Xenophon @blankdeblank @Frondeur @Will2Power Impossible to say. I like to think it was genuine. New Janny in Town likes this. -
Aspartame ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:17:11 JST Aspartame
@MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power so real New Janny in Town likes this. -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:23:02 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
>As good as a catholic
I literally laughed out loud. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:23:02 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power I want to see you solve a literal council between heretics and non heretics. Just be real here, he did more good to Christianity than anyone in your church ever will. -
givenup ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:23:16 JST givenup
@BowsacNoodle @Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @MK2boogaloo @Xenophon @blankdeblank @Frondeur @Will2Power it doesn't matter if it was or not, it literally spread christianity all over europe which is the greater good, WHAT YOU MEANT FOR EVIL GOD HAS TURNED TO GOOD, God can and will use anything he desires to for his own purposes. New Janny in Town likes this.New Janny in Town repeated this. -
Aspartame ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:25:45 JST Aspartame
@givenup @MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power It was genuine btw. There are weird choices he made, like postponing has baptism until his deathbed, that wouldn't make sense if he didn't believe it, because it was a popular belief at the time that you couldn't be forgiven for post-baptismal sins. He wouldn't have cared if it was fake.
Heretics just like to cope and seethe over SAINT CONSTANTINE because alternative church histories fall apart if you can't write the Byzantine Empire off altogether.New Janny in Town likes this. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:35:07 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup just who is in charge of the "real" church in the era of Constantine? Literally who???? -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:35:08 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
Now tell me how a single verse in Peter is God actually saying that the other apostles can pack it up because all that matters is Peters church (that didn't exist for another 300 years) -
Deplorable Degenerate ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:35:22 JST Deplorable Degenerate
The wars of religion were so ugly that some of that still carries over today. Reminder that the 30 years war killed a higher percentage of the German population than either world war.
Luther, during his lifetime, accused Swiss protestants of just changing things to piss off Catholics.
This kind of stuff echoes across generations.New Janny in Town likes this. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:36:00 JST New Janny in Town
@Deplorable_Degenerate @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power I very much agree, some stupid comments like the one made by Omega Variant stems from the ones used by people from a long time ago to discredit other. I just love laughing at the stupidity of their arguments. -
Aspartame ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:36:11 JST Aspartame
@givenup @MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power It's pretty important though. The conversion of the empire will shape your entire view of history for the past 1700 years. New Janny in Town likes this. -
givenup ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:36:12 JST givenup
@Aspergtame @MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power i mean i don't care either way tbh, the point of what i said wasn't to debate whether it was or wasn't, the point was to point out, regardless, God used him and Rome to spread Christianity far and wide. -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:37:27 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
I don't see any good in catholicism. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:37:27 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power if it was truly subverted, then who controls the church back in the era of Constantine? Only heretics like the Miaphysites and Arianism exist outside the church back then. -
Aspartame ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:37:46 JST Aspartame
@MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power To play Devil's Advocate, Constantine called a bunch of councils, some orthodox and some Arian, and only in the following decades was Nicaea received as the correct view. It wasn't exactly Constantine's accomplishment, he just added structure that allowed for more expansive synods than had happened before. New Janny in Town likes this. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:39:58 JST New Janny in Town
@Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power he still did more than most people who claimed that he was evil and shit. -
Santa Noodle ☦️ ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:40:46 JST Santa Noodle ☦️
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @Frondeur @Will2Power >Serpent Sneed believer doesn't respect the director's cut of the oldest form of Christianity.
many such cases.New Janny in Town likes this. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:45:12 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup tell me Xeno, who the hell agree with your belief back then? -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:45:13 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
>In charge of the church
How can so many people not get it? -
Frondeur ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:45:24 JST Frondeur
@MK2boogaloo @Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Will2Power @givenup New Janny in Town likes this. -
Aspartame ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:45:45 JST Aspartame
@MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power The original Christians didn't agree with my new retarded idea derefore day is wrong. It really is dat simple. New Janny in Town likes this. -
Aspartame ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:45:55 JST Aspartame
@MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power Troo New Janny in Town likes this. -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:46:25 JST Omega Variant
The pastor of each church and the. Jesus as the head of it all.....shrimple really. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:46:25 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup the pastors back then agree with the Pope. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:47:37 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Deplorable_Degenerate @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power then tell me, who the hell believe in your argument back then? The priests were all either Catholic, Miaphysites or Arian. Where are those gnostic priest???? -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:47:38 JST Omega Variant
It's mind numbingly easy to tear your views to shreds. You're just mad about it it seems. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:48:16 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power Paul didn't say he disagree. -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:48:17 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
Paul didn't agree with your Catholic church, so you can shut the fuck up. -
Santa Noodle ☦️ ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:48:25 JST Santa Noodle ☦️
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @Frondeur @Will2Power The joke is that the place is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed" which is clever in itself and quite funny to those with a mature sense of humour... The Catholics and Orthodox both claim to be OG Christianity, so I'm calling it the directors cut. This is actually fitting for a few reasons:
>Directors cuts are released after the original but can be produced before.
Like the Catholics vs Orthodox.
>The director has his own idea for the movie and producer and stakeholders have their own say.
Like the Catholics vs Orthodox.
Etc.New Janny in Town likes this. -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:48:26 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
>directors cut of the oldest
again, lmao.
and you don't believe in the serpent seed? You deny Gen 3:15 and John 8:44, Matthew 3:7, 12:34, 23:33, Luke 3:7??
Bold plan, Cotton. -
Santa Noodle ☦️ ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:48:26 JST Santa Noodle ☦️
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @Frondeur @Will2Power Do you get the joke there? There's layers to it, fr fr.
I don't deny scripture, but I question your interpretation. -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:48:26 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
>Do you get the joke there?
I guess not
>but I question your interpretation.
How is the plain word of God an "interpretation?" If sinless Jesus called someone the offspring of Satan, and said that (he) was a murderer from the beginning (Cain), how is that me interpreting? It's pretty clear. Either Jesus slandered these good Israelites (a sin) or They not only were not Israelites, but they were the fulfillment of the promise to Satan in Genesis 3.
"Seed" is not spiritual, ever. That's not what the word meant in Greek. It is biological. -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:49:44 JST Omega Variant
....the entire church. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:49:44 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup they agree with the pope back then, they would throw stones at you. -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:51:09 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
Paul, John, Jesus, Peter, Thomas.... -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:51:09 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup they all agree with what the church of Rome said. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:51:39 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup we're talking about the era of Constantine. Try to read the thread again. -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:51:40 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
there was no Pope when John walked the earth. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:52:18 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup Peter was the first pope, after that all priest followed what the church of Rome dictates. Well except for heretics like the Arian heresy. -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:52:19 JST Omega Variant
Mmmm, no. There was no Pope back then. -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:52:59 JST Omega Variant
The Catholic church didn't exist until Justinius declared it so. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:52:59 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Deplorable_Degenerate @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power then what do you call the church with the Pope before Justinian? -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:53:48 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power Paul didn't write anything that disagreed with the church of Rome, but he did wrote something about being one in Christ. -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:53:49 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
Paul wrote down what he said, and what he wrote down doesn't agree with your church. Paul was Israel only. Cope and sneed. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:54:58 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power Mary still lives when the apostles were alive. -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:54:59 JST Omega Variant
None of the apostles prayed to Mary or the saints yet y'all do today. What gives? -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:55:34 JST Omega Variant
I want you to read this quote from one of your priests and tell me if you see a glaring....lets say problem.
Also a bonus prayer to Mary for those who say "no we don't". Even the Muslims hated mariology -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:55:34 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power agreeing with Muslim only makes your argument worse, Arab boy. -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:56:48 JST Omega Variant
There wasn't a Pope until after the year 400. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:56:48 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup I want you to try read this for a minute without any retardation in your brain, I know you guys have minute intelligence but please try it. -
Aspartame ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:57:03 JST Aspartame
@MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup Unironically every Christian in history would have burned or exiled Christian Identity Heretics lol, even the weirdo Nestorians in the Far East. It's such an insane position it makes Mormons look Christian. In conversation permalink New Janny in Town likes this. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:58:15 JST New Janny in Town
@Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup Xeno and Omega when they traveled back in time to meet Peter but instead of being received well they get stones thrown at them. In conversation permalink -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:58:40 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
There was no pope, nigger. peter wasn't a pope. In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:58:40 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup after Peter there were some more, even before Constantine. In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:59:31 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup I believe that historical records will be able to show us some proof on the historic church, you're just unable to open a damn history book for one second. In conversation permalink -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 14:59:32 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
you're so fucking dumb, i'm no longer going to talk to you. In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:00:04 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup well let's just say you're right here, what about those people who were called Pope after Peter? Who are they??? In conversation permalink -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:00:05 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
Peter was not a pope. that's revisionist history. Stop being a faggot. In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:00:48 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup in the council of Nicea, which represented all parts of the church back then, there was none that agrees with your take, not even Arian would agree. In conversation permalink -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:00:49 JST Omega Variant
Mmm, no. They did however say the man of perdition would come from there. In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:01:44 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup what do you call the Pentarchy then? Some confederation of people who call themselves Christians with nothing clear that unites them? Not even a clear dogma?? In conversation permalink -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:01:45 JST Omega Variant
Mmm no, each apostle went their own way and seeded different churches. They did not bow to Peter. Even Paul called Peter to the carpet. Cope more. In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:02:49 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Deplorable_Degenerate @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power so you agree with it being a church. What makes this so difficult? In conversation permalink -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:02:50 JST Omega Variant
.....Christians... In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:04:06 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power Christian identitarianism is such a niggeric/jewish belief that it makes people falsified what Jesus said to the apostles at the last part of Matthew. I guess all nations just mean Europe after all, even though some apostles spread the messages far and wide, even St. Thomas managed to make it into India. In conversation permalink -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:04:07 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
Pauls writings were perverted by the beast (Catholic church).
You pray at a church that baptizes niggers. That alone should make you shut the fuck up and rethink your position.In conversation permalink -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:05:11 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
HOLY SHIT THE CHURCH LIED AND MADE A LIST OF POPES AND SAID PETER WAS 1!!!! :soyjak: In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:05:11 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup surely they lied to you so much that they get persecuted and receive money and gold, oh wait they just die without having anything but the title Pope to their name. I wonder if they truly believe in the message or not? In conversation permalink -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:05:56 JST Omega Variant
That's not an argument. I can tell you are squirming. I love making Catholics squirm. It's so easy. In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:05:56 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power I want to make arguments but it has been clear that you guys don't even know history. In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:06:24 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup he is the father of the church, the guy Jesus told to spread his belief far and wide. What's the matter with calling him father? In conversation permalink -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:06:25 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
You literally believe that Peter was one of Jesus's apostles, then gave himself the title of "father."
Holy fucking shit.In conversation permalink -
Aspartame ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:06:36 JST Aspartame
@MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power >Ignore entire Pauline epistles to preserve schizophrenic church theories
>Pretend to have standards for the practice of invocationIn conversation permalink New Janny in Town likes this. -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:07:28 JST Omega Variant
>implying I'm going to take a list from Catholicism
Lol lmao
Where does the Bible declare peter the Pope. He would slap the shit out of all you.In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:07:28 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup take Peter out for a second, who were the rest of them? Were they the ones who subverted the church? In conversation permalink -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:09:09 JST Omega Variant
>implying I care for what nicea said
Nigga, some bad shit came from niceaIn conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:09:09 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup what's the foundation of your belief? What's your claim to the truth? Orthodox can claim up to St. Peter, Catholics can claim up to St. Peter too. Even some Protestants can too. The Bible? The one book that the church made after compiling centuries of writings? In conversation permalink -
Aspartame ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:09:21 JST Aspartame
@MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup Why learn what actual Christians believe when you can invent a schizo doomsday cult (or judaizing cult, depending which one you talk to) in your imagination?
The most convenient religion is a religion of one. No need for that pesky Holy Spirit to get in the way.In conversation permalink New Janny in Town likes this. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:09:47 JST New Janny in Town
@Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup yes, let's stop thinking about history and believe what this guy said. In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:10:31 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup they didn't? I wish they killed more heretics like the Arians tho. In conversation permalink -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:10:32 JST Omega Variant
Why did the Catholic church kill Christians for 1260 years? In conversation permalink -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:11:29 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
This is like the argument that Abraham was a jew. You cannot apply terms retrospectively. Who was the first person on your list who actually blasphemed God by calling himself "papa". It certainly wasn't Peter. In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:11:29 JST New Janny in Town
@Xenophon @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup who were those people Xeno? Were they the ones that subverted the church??? What were the prize of their subversion? Death??? In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:12:32 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Deplorable_Degenerate @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power that's dumb, the word church exist since the inception of Christianity. Their views weren't as diverse as you think of, none would agree with you at least. In conversation permalink -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:12:33 JST Omega Variant
The word "church" didn't exist. They were simply Christians ...with varying views on minute things. Is that hard to understand? In conversation permalink -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:12:53 JST Omega Variant
What makes you think I am CI? In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:12:53 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power what's wrong with baptizing a nigger? In conversation permalink -
Aspartame ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:13:02 JST Aspartame
@MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power Still waiting to run into one of these guys on Fedi. At least they would be interesting schizos. In conversation permalink Attachments
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Aspartame ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:13:15 JST Aspartame
@MK2boogaloo @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Omega_Variant @Will2Power @Xenophon @blankdeblank Check out their Youtube In conversation permalink Attachments
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New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:16:22 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup 50 million Christians killed by the Catholic church! In conversation permalink -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:16:23 JST Omega Variant
Up to 50million, ever read foxes book of martyrs?
Oh how silly of me, that would make your antichrist religion look bad.In conversation permalink New Janny in Town likes this. -
Frondeur ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:18:10 JST Frondeur
@MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Will2Power they might drown (poor swimmers)... In conversation permalink New Janny in Town likes this. -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:19:21 JST New Janny in Town
@Frondeur @Aspergtame @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Will2Power maybe that's why people use water to pour over people when baptizing nowadays. In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:19:33 JST New Janny in Town
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @Xenophon @blankdeblank @givenup 50 fucking million, so damn real. I think the Pope also gassed Christians personally during the 30 years war by using Italian cheese because the gasses used by the Germans hasn't been invented yet. In conversation permalink -
Wolfgirl in Wheatfield ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:20:57 JST Wolfgirl in Wheatfield
@Aspergtame @MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup This isn't even a Catholic versus Protestant thing, all mainstream churches accept the Council of Nicea as an inspired event where scripture itself was codified. In conversation permalink New Janny in Town likes this. -
Ash Kvetchum ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 15:57:18 JST Ash Kvetchum
Justinian I established the patriarch of Rome as being the prime patriarch, by his own Justinian Code (specifically in Novels, section 131), given parts at a time from 529 to sometime after 534. This was the basis of law in continental European powers until Napoleon's Code over a thousand years later. This is the first establishment of that primacy over any other patriarch, after many (and rejected attempts at such) claims beforehand by previous patriarchs of Rome--those whom began to desire to be called Father, to be "more authoritative", to be "the vicar of Christ."
This is the same Justinian I that changed the laws and times (again, established the ruling Justinian Code and introduced a new calendar), was the 11th legitimate emperor of the Byzantines, following 10 legitimate before, subdued 3 rebelling kings (namely, subdued Agila in Spain, Gelimer in North Africa, Vitiges and Totila (one succeeded the other mid-campaign, same crown) in Italy).
In other words, Justinian I was the little horn of Daniel's chapter 7 vision.
Daniel 7:23-26
>Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And as for the ten horns, out of this kingdom shall ten kings arise: and another shall arise after them; and he shall be diverse from the former, and he shall put down three kings. And he shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High; and he shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time. But the judgment shall be set, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.
Now, Justinian I did not live a time and times and half a time--but his law did.
In 1798, Napoleon's troops marched into Rome. The pope was overthrown. In 1804 Napoleon crowned himself, rather than by authority of any pope as had been so for centuries till the day. Napoleon introduced his new code for European powers.
The time and times and half a time were fulfilled.In conversation permalink Attachments
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Aspartame ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 16:00:09 JST Aspartame
@StumbleDonkey @Ash_Kvetchum @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Will2Power @Xenophon @blankdeblank @givenup One is a man. The other is a God man.
My money is on Jesus, but his prime will be when he returns in glory.In conversation permalink -
StumbleDonkey ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 16:00:09 JST StumbleDonkey
@Aspergtame @Ash_Kvetchum @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Will2Power @Xenophon @blankdeblank @givenup what if they made the rule that his prime had to be the moment JUST before his death, when he does the best thing that was ever done etc... and whatever.
Would that put him at a disadvantage or do you think the miraculous powers will make him come out on top with sheer goodness etc?In conversation permalink -
StumbleDonkey ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 16:00:10 JST StumbleDonkey
@Aspergtame @Ash_Kvetchum @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Will2Power @Xenophon @blankdeblank @givenup who would win in a fist fight jesus in his prime or muhammad in his prime? In conversation permalink -
Aspartame ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 16:00:11 JST Aspartame
@Ash_Kvetchum @MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup The Pope had authority before Justinian. It's in the councils and the writings of Pope St. Leo I.
Arguably even earlier, as the Pope had seen fit to excommunicate the entire East over the Easter controversy, which while not canonically impossible, would not have been something that any other See would have seen fit to do.
Better schizo poasting than the other two, though.In conversation permalink -
Aspartame ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 16:01:05 JST Aspartame
@StumbleDonkey @Ash_Kvetchum @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @MK2boogaloo @Omega_Variant @Will2Power @Xenophon @blankdeblank @givenup Jesus could choose in an instant to have never created Muhammad before that desert nigger throws the first punch. Or he could just call on his army of angels to slaughter the man and his entire religion. In conversation permalink -
New Janny in Town ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 16:13:58 JST New Janny in Town
@Aspergtame @StumbleDonkey @Ash_Kvetchum @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @blankdeblank @BowsacNoodle @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup cc @MeBigbrain In conversation permalink -
Santa Noodle ☦️ ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 23:30:20 JST Santa Noodle ☦️
@Omega_Variant @Aspergtame @MK2boogaloo @Ash_Kvetchum @Xenophon @blankdeblank @Frondeur @Will2Power @givenup >the papacy persecuted the saints
I don't see where this claim comes from. There are issues with the church as an institution made of man. The original setup was to have the Bishop of Rome as First among equals, like the Speaker Of The House. The speaker as the tie breaker makes him the defacto authority, and people start to fall in line rather than have their own opinions. I don't believe it was supposed to be that way, but I don't believe every Pope is evil or tyrannical. Most were not.In conversation permalink -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 23:30:21 JST Omega Variant
So the papacy reigned for 1260 years while it persecuted the saints?
Shit, who could have foreseen this coming?!?In conversation permalink -
Omega Variant ('s status on Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 23:30:43 JST Omega Variant
Here is a short list.
We see it in the slaughter of the Albigensians which was really the first Roman Catholic crusade intended to slay other Christians. [K.Deschner, Opus Diaboli, Reinbek 1987, 29]The Albigensians...viewed themselves as good Christians, but would not accept Roman Catholic rule, and taxes, and dictates. Then on the command of pope Innocent III in 1209, Bezirs (today France) was destroyed, all the inhabitants were slaughtered. Victims including Catholics refusing to turn over their neighbours and friends were up to 70,000. [H.Wollschlger: Die bewaffneten Wallfahrten gen Jerusalem, Zrich 1973.179-181]
In Carcassonne 8/15/1209, thousands were slain and in subsequent 20 years of war until nearly all Cathars (probably half the population of the Languedoc, today southern France) were exterminated. After the war ended (1229) the Inquisition was founded 1232to search and destroy any who did not hold to the what the church dictated.
The Waldensians, and many others were exterminated, in the persecution of the Cathar of Southern Europe, northern Italy, it is estimated one million victims of the . [H.Wollschlger: Die bewaffneten Wallfahrten gen Jerusalem, Zrich 1973.183]
The Spanish Inquisition killed untold numbers and the Spanish Inquisitor Torquemada alone allegedly responsible for 10,220 burnings. Of course we cant leave out John Huss, a critic of papal infallibility and indulgences, who was burned at the stake in 1415.
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Did the Roman Catholic church actually persecute and kill other Christians?
Thread starterreddogs Start dateOct 25, 2014
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Oct 25, 2014
Many today don't believe that the Roman Catholic church actually persecuted and killed other Christians and yet the record is clear it did.
We see it in the slaughter of the Albigensians which was really the first Roman Catholic crusade intended to slay other Christians. [K.Deschner, Opus Diaboli, Reinbek 1987, 29]The Albigensians...viewed themselves as good Christians, but would not accept Roman Catholic rule, and taxes, and dictates. Then on the command of pope Innocent III in 1209, Bezirs (today France) was destroyed, all the inhabitants were slaughtered. Victims including Catholics refusing to turn over their neighbours and friends were up to 70,000. [H.Wollschlger: Die bewaffneten Wallfahrten gen Jerusalem, Zrich 1973.179-181]
In Carcassonne 8/15/1209, thousands were slain and in subsequent 20 years of war until nearly all Cathars (probably half the population of the Languedoc, today southern France) were exterminated. After the war ended (1229) the Inquisition was founded 1232to search and destroy any who did not hold to the what the church dictated.
The Waldensians, and many others were exterminated, in the persecution of the Cathar of Southern Europe, northern Italy, it is estimated one million victims of the . [H.Wollschlger: Die bewaffneten Wallfahrten gen Jerusalem, Zrich 1973.183]
The Spanish Inquisition killed untold numbers and the Spanish Inquisitor Torquemada alone allegedly responsible for 10,220 burnings. Of course we cant leave out John Huss, a critic of papal infallibility and indulgences, who was burned at the stake in 1415.
In the 15th century we find the Church lauching a persecution against Hussites, with thousands slain. In 1538 pope Paul III declared a crusade against England who had left its domination and all English made as slaves of Church, but England being a island made that a bit difficult to implement. In the 1568, the Spanish Inquisition tribunal ordered extermination of 3 million rebels in (then Spanish) Netherlands and thousands were slain. In1572 In France about 20,000 Huguenots were killed on command of pope Pius V. Until 17th century 200,000 flee. [K.Deschner, Opus Diaboli, Reinbek 1987, 28-31]
In the Catholic 17th century 30 years' war against the Protestants, at least 40% of population decimated, mostly in Germany. [K.Deschner, Opus Diaboli, Reinbek 1987.31-32] And its recorded in the Catholics sack the city of Magdeburg/Germany, roughly 30,000Protestants were slain. "In a single church fifty women were found beheaded," reported poet Friedrich Schiller. [D.Stannard, American Holocaust, Oxford University Press 1992, 191. ]In conversation permalink