So last week left-liberals/kikes defended giant killer bugs and the Weimar Republic, what unspeakable evils will they white knight this week?
@admin @ChristiJunior I'll admit, as someone who did research Hannibal and the Punic Wars in high school, Hannibal was a military genius and the second war was pretty cool.
Knowing what I do about the Semitic-Phoenician Empire both in Canaan-Syria and in North Africa, I'm not going to then pretend that they were a people worth emulating or praising.
@SuperSnekFriend @ChristiJunior
@ChristiJunior >Yeah, the Phonecians may have been Molech worshiping degenerates and all, but Hannibal and his elephant army was so heckin' cool and the civically noble Rome needed their heckin' power brought down a notch.
@SuperSnekFriend @ChristiJunior They're located in Africa, so just pretend they were blacks who were oppressed by evil wypipo.