- :awoo_tired: shotgun snuggler :clownpiece_smug: likes this.
God she's gonna be expensive as fuck isn't she. at least ¥20000 :emoji_seethe:
Might have to finally flip these two to make room and dosh. :puddicat_think:
>Shotgun in protective cover so sand and salty sea water doesn't get on it.
Good girl Hoshino for know how to take care of her firearms! :zt_nod:
@Tamamo you selling?
@SNEK Yeah. its very likely i will the pair to fund the BA figures. I have them for so long and lost interest Neptunia anyway. New Sisters spin off being shit didn't help either.
I would have sold them sooner if it wasn't for the wonderfully sculpted camel toe. :kanna_wow: