Some redditor is dusting off his funko pops while his wife is getting fucked and he's happier than you ever will be
@anonaccount What if it's not? What if they're genuinely happy? We tell ourselves their lives are hollow because we're still trying to cling to some long dead standard of western behavior while they could care less, there's freedom in not caring.
@PraxisOfEvil @anonaccount A hollow life is a numb life, free of real joy, but with less suffering as well. Life is painful, but also joyful. They do have a kind of freedom, but it comes at the cost of never truly living. Take heart with the knowledge that you are one of the strong with the courage to persevere in spite of the inevitable sufferings of life.
@PraxisOfEvil That's closer to a schizoid personality or to a coma, their happiness is emptiness.
@PraxisOfEvil @anonaccount I don't see how you can be happy without self-respect. Straight White men are the niggers of the GloboHomo system, literally the most low-status of low-status groups, and constantly kissing the ring of people who hate you and treat you like garbage, while repeating a seemingly never-ending number of Lies, will psychologically wear down any person of actual worth.
Plus, every potential source of happiness from living the Normalfag lifestyle is gradually being eroded anyway. Not to mention how that lifestyle and mindset requires you to constantly be Outraged and/or Scared by the latest Psyop.
@ChristiJunior @anonaccount There's a balance that can be struck between having self respect and engaging in normalfag hobbies, plenty of people are starved for irl interaction, myself included, a lot of people I know are are struggling as well so at least we have that in common. I just want to make some friends irl and if I have to tolerate some weird behavior from them, so be it.
@apropos @PraxisOfEvil @anonaccount I don't think that really applies to somewhat well-established adults tho. Straight White men aren't being offered a perfectly fine-tuned Brave New World-style coom and consoom paradise as our reward for compliance, where even low-status, maladjusted males get laid several times a week by different attractive women; realistically you're offered a fat, frigid roastie wife (as well as the Sword of Damocles that is divorce rape hanging over you), capeshit and sportsball. Remember, the vast majority of people swallow regime propaganda, so pretending to do the same yourself won't magically make you high-status if you weren't already. And as long as you're decent at Hiding your Power Level among unreliable people, you should be able to stay comfortable enough yourself, without becoming an NPC.
@ChristiJunior @PraxisOfEvil @anonaccount there are white kids today who sit and suffer daily humiliations only to watch that one friend become a tranny and instantly get all kinds of accolades and excellent treatment and care. That has to be the most damaging part of these times: not that you're just oppressed, but that there's such an easy escape from it.
Apparently in Seal school there's a bell that anyone can ring at any time to get dropped from the program. Want to leave? Don't want to keep running? There's a bell right over there. Just do it and go. Even in carebear basic training we got a line like that: want to leave? There's a McDonalds down the road, and we'll help you apply for it.
Maybe that's where they got the idea. Or maybe they got it from
>Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
@ArdainianRight @PraxisOfEvil @anonaccount joy and suffering are both necessary in moderation. the utilitarians are wrong because natural law creates rights and responsibilities for us that go beyond updoots and pain-avoidance