I'm kind of white trash, but not TOO bad, like 30% white trash on a bad day. You never go FULL white trash.
@Tony @BigTony @gnarley_boot You could have bought a double edge safety razor for 30$ and get a great shave. Electric razor's won't give you a smooth shave.
@Tony @gnarley_boot i gotta get an electric razor so i can cut mine shits too long and I hate going to the barber
Same. I just ordered one from Amazon with the different lengths and do 1” on top and 3/4” on the side
I cut my own hair with a shaver and have 5 pairs of the same jeans in different colors.
I also fix cuts with duct tape.
@dcc @Tony @gnarley_boot i have this kinda razor i dont think i could it on my hair without completely shaving me head
@BigTony @Tony @gnarley_boot Its a safety razor, you will likey only nick your self.